Chapter 6: The Decision is Hers

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Dear Morana,

I hope you enjoy the flowers. I didn't know what kind was your favorite, so I got quite a few different kinds. I want to get to know you, I want you to give me a chance. Come home Morana, come home to me. Please? We can work this out, I promise. Alpha Rhys told me that you ran for your freedom. You can be free here. No one will control your life but you. No one will force you do to anything! Please, please come home!

I've been watching you for quite some time. I hope you didn't think that you had truly lost me. I am the Prince of all Werewolves after all. Give me some credit. I won't give up on us. You told me to take another as my Queen, but ever since I saw you run from the carriage, from me, I haven't been able to think about anyone else. You're it for me. You're the only one I want.

Have you noticed? The irony of the fact that both of our names mean death. Morana- Slavic for death. The goddess of death. Thanatos-Greek for death. The god of death. It's as though fate was telling us that we are meant to be together. Give us a chance. That's all I am asking for. If you are not happy here, I will willingly let you leave. Hell, I'll even pay for your ticket back to Echos City myself.

You seem happy there, but before you settle in too deep I want you to give us a chance. You've been working as an NA, I see. It suits you. You look beautiful in scrubs, darling. You can work here, for the pack, and if you would rather work for the humans, you can work in Judicia.

If after two weeks, you decide that you don't want this then I will give you the freedom you desire. There is a plane ticket attached for the day after tomorrow, take some time and think about it. I hope you make the right decision. Your flight lands at 6:30, I'll be at the airport waiting to pick you up at 7. If you aren't there, I'll understand what your decision was.

With Love,


P.S. don't forget to water the flowers. It would be a waste for something so beautiful to die because someone chose to neglect it. They're almost as intoxicatingly beautiful as you are. I hope to see you soon Morana, but I'll understand if I don't. The decision is yours.

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