Fire From the Town

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A/N I DO NOT CARE FOR THIS CHAPTER! IT IS NOT WRITTEN THE BEST! But it is a transition chapter to the next decent chapter.

Danius had been in Riverwood for almost two weeks now and with rest and healing magic was regaining his strength. He also got some robes that were clean and had some magical properties. He would sit with Lucan and Camilla and tell them some of his stories from when he traveled to places like upper Blackmarsh, which the rumors of no one but Argonians could enter were indeed false. He was able to do more rigorous tasks for Lucan now. He would chop wood, cook food, which he was excellent at from years of travel. He also started going to many different places within the Whiterun and Falkreath holds delivering goods that people had ordered.

He was traveling back from falkreath when he saw the fire. It was coming from helgen. Danius took a detour to go find out what was happening. When he was at the north gate heard screaming coming from a nearby cave. As he approached the cave he saw a shadow pass overhead, a big shadow. When he looked up, what he saw terrified and amazed him. A dragon. Black as night and with pure red eyes. He stood there star struck at what he just saw. After a few second when it flew away. Danius returned his attention back to the cave as he heard more screams. He decided to go have a look inside.

When he entered the cave he could tell there had been a problem. Blood littered the ground in pools. He went to turn the corner when he saw a bear's head in front of him. It took him a moment to realize the bear was dead, several swords impaled in it's chest. He continued forward until he came to an open space where he saw several bodies on the ground. He was about to turn around when someone called for him.

"Hey you, over here." a man's voice called.

Danius turned and saw a half dead imperial soldier on a rock clutching his side, with a large gash down his face. Danius ran over to the man and looked over him, he was bleeding bad and skin as pale as snow.

"P-please do you have a healing potion or spell you c-can use?" the man's voice stuttering now.

Danius quickly started to chant some words that would hopefully do the trick. After a minute of chanting he put his hands on the imperial soldier and a yellow glow illuminated the air around them. He instantly started to see a difference in the skin tone of the man.

"That should do it, but you will still feel pain so take it easy for a minute." Danius said in a gentle voice.

"Thank you for helping, my names Hadvar." the man said.

"Pleasure to meet you my names Danius, what happened here?"

"A dragon attacked helgen, burned it to the ground. I was helping people escape, as you probably saw not all ma-."

Before Hadvar could finish the ground shook and rocks fell from the ceiling crashing down near them.

"We need to go! Now!" Hadvar shouted.

Danius helped Hadvar up and they ran out of the cave as rocks rained from the sealing. The got out of the cave just as the entrance collapsed. They sat there for a minute catching there breath.

"That was a close one thanks again for helping me, I would have been crushed if not for you."

"No problem I am always happy to help someone who needs it."

"Well since we are out can you help me get to Riverwood my uncle Alvor lives there."

"I know him, he's the blacksmith isn't he? I'm heading there any way back to the Riverwood trader."

They walked back to Riverwood with no trouble and went to see Alvor.

"Uncle Alvor."

"Hadvar what are you doing here, I thought you were at Helgen?"

"Uncle not here. Let's go inside to talk."

Alvor led them inside and sat them down at the table.

"Sigrid we have company." Alvor shouted down the stairs.

Sigrid came up and was instantly surprised, "Hadvar, it's so good to see you. Oh hello Danius, nice to see you up and about. Let me get you two something to eat." she scurried off to go get some food.

"So Hadvar what are you doing here aren't you working at Helgen?" Alvor asked quizzically.

"I was, we were about to execute Ulfric Stormcloak himself, when out of nowhere a dragon attacked!"

"WHAT!" Alvor shouted, nearly falling out of his chair and spitting up the mead he was drinking, "You haven't been drinking on the job again have you boy?"

"I know it sounds crazy but it's true, I would be dead to if not for our friend here."

Sigrid came back with some cooked venison and potatoes.

Alvor sat for a moment in thought then looked at Danius "Danius I know you are just starting to feel better, but could you please go notify the jarl? He needs to know if there's a dragon flying around his hold."

"I will head there as soon as I can, it's the least I can do for all you fokes have given me." Danius said in a kind voice

"Thank you."

They sat and ate until they heard shouting outside. Danius ran outside. Four people were running out of town across the bridge. Lucan came out of his shop shouting.


Danius walked over to Lucan "What happened?"

"Bandits came into the shop. They only took a claw made of gold though. Why they want that is beyond my imagination, all I know is that they are running to the barrow. Hope they get eaten by Skeevers"

"I'll go get it."

"Danius no, you are still recovering and it's not that important. I couldn't live with myself if something happens to you."

"I'll be fine, I have regaining my strength and not to mention I have magic on my side." his left palm illuminating with green light.

Lucan sighed "Fine but if you get hurt I'm going to kill you."

"I will go with him." Hadvar said.

"No!" Danius shouted

The others seemed shocked that he shouted like that.

"No one will go with me." He said in a more calm voice." I will go alone."

"I owe it to you to help you."

"I don't want you to, I helped you out of the kindness of my heart not so you owe me something. I will be back by tomorrow." He turned to Alvor "Do you have a weapon I could use?"

"Let me go check."

Alvor walked over to his forge. They waited a moment before Alvor came back with a mace.

"It's all I can give you. I hope it will work."

"It's perfect, I prefer maces anyway. Well, wish me luck" Danius waved goodbye and left for the barrow.

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