Chapter 14

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Mal's POV

Oh great here she comes. I crosses my arms over my chest and look at her expectantly. She gives us a big, fake smile. Evie basically growls at her. Carlos seems more scared than anything. Now Jay you see was livid. Her face darkens and she leans in.

"Look. I know that you guys are lying. I can see right through you. You just want the pity and attention. I know that all you guys are is rotten and mean. You are evil. IY runs in you're blood. You can't stop it. Can't prevent it. What are you even doing here? You don't belong here."

My heart skips a beat. I know that she was right but it hurt. It isn't that the lies are too beautiful to resist, it's that the truth is too hideous to face. I keep a straight face. I refuse to let her know that she got to me. That wasn't going to happen. She smirks. Evie looks conflicted and troubled, Carlos face is blank, and if looks could kill, Jay would be charged for the murder of Audrey.

"I'm going to prove it to everyone here. Meredith, hold my phone while I do something. Make sure that you get it on video!" She squeals.

"Oh! Okay then!"

I've heard of her before. She's the daughter of Merida. She has bright orange hair that is straight. Her eyes are bright green and full of mischief. From what I know she's sarcastic, kind, loving, helpful, sweet, sassy, faithful, ambitious, optimistic, sporty, athletic, highly energetic, and very very intelligent. She's in a bunch of execrated classes. She's basically a genius. She doesn't like boys at all. She's a boy repellent. Audrey rolls her eyes and grabs something from the table next to use. It's a pitcher and its full of water with ice cubes in it. Wow water so scary. She chucks it at me and I squeal shutting my eyes. I wait to feel the cold water but instead I hear a scream. I open and eye and see Audrey soaking wet. I see a girl stand in front of us.

"Nope. Not on my watch."


Cassie. I know her. She's the daughter or Ariel but looks nothing like her. She has brown hair that falls in waves to her waist. She has dark cobalt blue eyes. She was a short tiny thing but you didn't want to mess with her. She was clumsy, sassy, spunky, persistent, menacing, a trouble and chaos maker, a rebel, antisocial, witty, stubborn, imitating, fearless, strong willed, sly, quick, introverted, and very smart. She was also drop dead gorgeous. She didn't like people. That sounded bad but its true. She didn't follow the rules of basic human existence and the laws of physics. She was right. Even if she was wrong she was right. Don't even attempt to argue with her.

A girl who tower over Cassie stands from the booth. She has blonde shoulder length hair and golden eyes. She was a bit on the curvy side. She has glasses that perfectly framed her face. She was very beautiful.

"That's Anna. She's the daughter of Gaston but she lives her because of her mother, Savannah. She's loud and sarcastic. She's kind, smart, organized, strong, perseverant, frank, diligent, sassy, witty, resourceful, sincere, reliable, and she's a very talented writer. She's already pretty good at art. I honestly respect her. " Says Jay.

She walks up to Audrey and punches her square in the face. The four of us sit there in shock. What just happened?

"I dare you mess with them again." Anna challenges.

"You steal my Meredith and then my water. Not cool and not so smart Audrey. Water is my element. It does what I want. I have complete control over it. After all, I am the daughter of Ariel. Now, if this happens again they won't find your body. Got it?" Cassie remarks smirking.

"Y-yes Cassie. I'm so sorry please forgive me. I will never ever do anything to them again. I swear." Audrey stutters out.

Cassie nods. She looks absolutely terrified. Audrey runs out the door. The three of them burst into laughter. I was still trying to process what had just still had Audrey's phone and was currently posting embarrassing stuff everywhere she could. Cassie has fallen over the water and has face planted onto the ground. She gives us a thumbs up and says:

"I'm good!" Her voice is slightly muffled.

Anna is clutching her sides laughing her head off. She tries to help Cassie up but fails and keeps laughing. Cassie laugh as well. She didn't get wet at all which is surprising considering that she just fell over and into water. That must be her whole "nothing applies to me" thing. Nah it was probably the daughter of Ariel thing.

"Mal! Those girls are envied at the school. Guys fall at their feet. Everyone wants to be them. They are the most popular kids in the entire school! They just saved our butts!" Evie squeals out.

"Yeah but they mostly keep to themselves. They have other friends of course but together they are an unstoppable team."

Cassie sits next to me and Anna and Meredith across from her. They are breathless and are grinning ear to ear. Meredith bounces up and down eagerly.

"Calm down child." Anna says placing her hand on each of Meredith's shoulders. She stops bouncing but swings her legs.

"Can't. I'm on a sugar high!" Meredith retorts eating an ice cream cone.

"Oh dear God." Anna says and releases her.

Cassie rolls her eyes and smacks Meredith right up side her head. Her face is smashed into her ice cream but she doesn't seem to care. She had ice cream. Everything was okay in sweetheart land over there. She wipes it off.

"No. Bad Cassie."

Cassie once again rolls her eyes and turns her attention towards us.

"So. Who might you be?"

So imma end it here. Did you guys like it? Please let me know in da reviews! I'll try and write when I can. So how did you guys like Anna, Cassie, and Meredith? Would you like to see more of them? Anyways I hope that you liked this chapter.


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