Mated to a vampire

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My names Bella Anna Stackhouse, I'm 19 years old and I have a little sister called Sookie and a little brother Jason. When I was born my mama and papa sent me to a boarding school, but not just any school. It was a school to train children in combat. It was like milltary school expect it had normal school mixed into it.

My mama and papa sent me away when I was just 8 years old because they wanted me to make sure I could take care of my siblings as if our parents knew they wouldnt be around to do so.  My parents always told me how bad vampires were and how that they were not to be trusted. That was proved when my boarding school was attacked because the world would not let them have something I wasnt aware of at the time.

I finally finished school by the young age of 15, out parents had gone and our grandma took over, she was a lovely lady but could not handle 3 kids so I took it apon myself to look after them and sometimes myself. 

Anyway back to the present, my baby sister has got her self involved with vampires, smart right? I stayed away, they were not to be trusted they killed my parents and my bestfriend. I shook my head out of my thoughts. My sister got in trouble with vampires as she just had to help this vampire called Eric to get his Maker Godric back. This caused for her to be trapped nearly raped and I am fumeing. Now we are at Godric house as all the vampires from the resuce are here.

" Bella please" I suddenly heard. I turned my head to the side to see Sookie walk up to me with Bill shortly behind. 

" I will not socialise Sookie" I said in a gruff voice, no agrument or question involved. I had not been in a good relationship with my sister since she done her little stunt earlier on today, with Jason being in the fellowship of the sun did not help! My siblings were suicidal!

I procceded to watch as Sookie mingled with vampires, Bill obviousliy knew these vampires . Then you had people lining up to talk to Godric. This made me curious so I moved close but still had both Sookie and Jason insight. 

I heard alot about Godric and how he was two thousand years old and Eric his progeny was one thousand. Godric was the sherrif of this town and that people very much respected him.  I noticed that everyone had spoke to Godric tonight accept me and I wouldn't be ither.

My thoughts changed direction when I could here Sookie a lot better than a minute ago.I  looked over to see she and another women, no a vampire showing violent body language which shows that she would attack Sookie. I started walking over there as Sookie began to raise her voice.

"Listen here bitch, he is mine you have lost this one" Sookie shouted just as the vampire pushed Bill out of the way. I ran forwards jumped towards the table pushed off it with my hands and then wrapped my feet around her neck and flipped her off of Sookie on the floor with me landing on my feet.

" Do.Not.Touch.My.Sister" I growled out. She suddenly raced up towards me I ducked down grabbed a metal chain from my pocket twisting it around her feet, she hit the floor and I backed up. I was now crouching over my sister as she layed on the floor still. 

She raced towards me and I skidded past her grabbing the silver chain from the floor and span around but didn't react fast enough. She grabbed me around the throat picking me up.

I gasped out, now what do I do?


Thank you for reading, can you give me any idea on if to carry this on or if I should chuck and try another story please?

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