Meeting him

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I gasped for a second before wrapping the silver around her wrists and she began hissing. Fighting whether to give into the pain and let go or kill me.

" She's got you in a cold place, lose your hands? or be beaten by a human, choose quickly Godric's on his way?" Eric said appearing near us. Why did he get himself grunted as I was losing air very quickly so I tightened the silver tight and she screamed and let go, I quickly dropped to my feet kicking her away before a hand suddenly appeared out of no where around the vampires throat.

"" Godric spoke. He had saved me? Why would a vampire do that?

" I nether no...nor care who you are, but in this area and certainly this nest, I'm of Authority, you do not touch my mate" Godric said as everybody froze in the room. I'm his mate? No way in hell! Wait, what the hell is a mate? 

" Do you understand?" Godric said.

" Yes sherriff" The women said looking down fakes looking ashamed i'm sure.

" The woman that know lays on the floor has shown herself to be couragious and loyal friend to out kind and yet you treat her like a child treats a dragon fly pulling off its wings for sport" Godric said stairing rights at the women and she looked so terrified right now.

" No wonder why they hate us" Godric said stating the obvious.

" She provoked me" The women said trying to defend herself.

" And you provoked me you tried to hurt my mate. You disrupted the peace in my own home. I could snap you like a twig and I haven't and why is that?"Godric said like talking to a child

" Because its your choice"

" Indeed it is. Your an old vampire, I can tell. yet you've had years to better yourself and yet you haven't, your still a savage. you still don't understand the rules about mates  and I feel for all of us humans and vampires if the behaviour persists" Godric said having a quick look around and landed on me before returning to  the women as if to check I was still here.

" You, you seem to know her escort her out of the nest I want you out of my area by sunrise" Godric said talking to bill sookies boyfriend. 

I turned to look for Sookie and quickly found her, I walked straight over and started checking her over.

" I'm fine! I should be checking you! You just fought a vampire!" Sookie said seeming in a tiny bit of shock. I just shook my head at her before checking her and giving her medication from my bag. She huffed and took it.

" Are you okay?" Jason said racing over to me trying to touch me but I flinched away from him. I cleared my throat which was slightly soar.

" I'm fine Jason" I said I never let anyone touch me unless I touched them first.  He frowned before nodding and heading back out to the entrance to the other room.

I turned to the table I used to push myself up and saw it was knocked over. I walked towards it and pushed it up but it was so heavy. I tried again and got it half way up when suddenly I lost my grip and it started to fall on top of me. That's when the table stopped moving and was pushed up so it was now standing up on its own. I looked around me untill my gaze landed on Godric. I stood straighter and my stance became stiff, so I gave him a stiff nod of thanks.

I went to walk away when Godric began speaking.

" You protected the girl Sookie why?"Godric asked curiosity 

I stopped and looked at him trying to see his motives for this conversations.

" Sookie is my sister" I said looking him over before turning towards him seeing that he meant no harm, at the moment.

" Your the mystery sister, and a mighty fine fighter I must admit " Eric said suddenly appearing into a conversation. I looked at him and done him a once over. Weakness in left leg and hit to the right side and nose would do him good.

" You hurt one little hair on my sister you are going to get it Eric" Sookie said suddenly appearing next to Eric snapping me out of my thoughts of planning.

" Don't worry Sookie, I can take care of need to learn that" I said looking at her for the last bit. Sookie paused for a few seconds.

" Just after what happened there I understand your worried..." Sookie went to say but I exploded.

" Sookie! this is not the first time. I've had to save you!" I said near shouting frustrated. I clenched my fist before carring on.

" The rats, the vampire outside merlottes!" I said saying it through gritted teeth.

" But.." Sookie when to say but I on a  roll.

" No buts Sookie! You on dangerous grounds you can't just go taking on vampires!" I shouted at her.

" You do!" She shouted back. I paused a second.

" I don't take them on, I protect someone I love, completely should know this by now sook" I said in normal voice, noticing the attention we were getting. This made everyone else carry on with there thing. Sookie looked in thought before Eric leaned down towards her which made me narrow my eyes before her eric and bill all walked away from me. I watched them in confusion until Godric came into the sight.

" I thank you for saving me vampire" I said with a nod of slight respect not much he saved me that was as much as I going to give him.

" It was my pleasure. I understand you heard what I said about you?" Godric said asking me.

" I did" I said not expanding on my answer.

" Your my mate" Godric said taking a step closer which I made up with a step back. I still don't understand what the is. But if it has anything to do with him.....

" I'm not sure what a mate is but if it has anything to do with me and you then I want out of it" I said stiffly before Eric approached us. He shared a brief word quietly so that I could hear before quickly leaving making me a raise an eyebrow.

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