25 may | weak and alone

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all alone
locked in my room
i could feel my tears
dried up
unable to cry even harder
as i got used to the hurting
and i became so numb
it hurts
but i can't feel anything
it's sad
but i was emotionless
on the outside
my heart sank
my lungs were filled with toxic
my throat was burning
my wrists were bleeding
i tortured myself
this is my way of escaping reality
i'm sorry for being sensitive
i'm sorry for being overdramatic
i'm sorry for being weak
people hate it
so i apologise for being me
some people care
but they did not care enough
and now i'm sitting
at the corner of my room
wondering what's the point of living
when everything had been gone to waste
wasted efforts
wasted trusts
how long will this pain last?

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