Chapter 10

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The day came. Where everyone was excited to see the battle between the two. Everyone was kinda surprised that they were chosen to fight each other than fighting besides each other. But other-wise, they were going to be entertaining to watch. It was going to be a two stock battle with five minutes on the clock. Every smasher was seated and was getting ready to watch the battle. It took about 10 minutes for every smasher to be seated and an extra 2 minutes for the opponents to get ready. Once everyone was seated; thr opponents spawned in the battle stage.

"3..." Roy and marth made eye contact. The sorrow in the princes eyes.

"2..." Roy gave the prince a reasoning smile.

"1..." They both nodded at each other, getting into a battle stance, clutching their swords.

"Go!" They both rushed out on each other. The swords clashing and sparks flew all about. They both would keep blocking each others attacks. They both backed away from each other, breathing heavily.

Neither one took a single damage. Roy had recovered faster than Marth had did and he rushed towards him. His sword thrusted toward and Marth had been able to counter fast enough. Roy was sent back flying. Hr has gotten up to see the prince foward air at him. Roy slipped back wincing a bit. He needed to step up his game and that's what he did. He used the stage and took the advantage when marth had air dodged, he charged up his up smash. He had caught the prince during the attack.

The prince had gone flying up, with a small shriek. The altean prince had came back down with 50% health while roy had 70%. They stared at each other for a moment and they both charged at each other. Roy was able to take a stock away from marth with only 108% health damage done to him. He had to be careful of what he does and be able to predict Marth's next moveset. The prince would always jump around and twirl around the stage.

And he would do it with such grace.. The way his back had ached when he would do a backflip. Roy was even convinced that he was an acrobatic. Roy was so amazed that he had totally forgotten that they were in mid-battle. The prince took the advantage and backed air him which sent the red head flying off stage; losing a stock. Roy had respawn and sighed.

"5..." The two blinked in surprise. They never knew the time would go by so quick.

"4..." The two looked towards each other.

"3..." They both smiled at each other and decided to wait it out for the sudden death match.


"1..." They had both done one of there victorious taunts for the fun of it.


"Sudden Death! GO!"

After the two had spawned in they had instantly charged at each other. Shielding and dodging each others moves. Until marth was eventually able to grab roy and the red head winced, struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Im sorry." Marth has whispered and threw roy up. Which had ended the game.

"And the winner is..."

"今回は僕の勝ちだね。" (This time, victory is mine.)


Jesus.. cx Dat took so long to write. Im so sorry for not writing in ages. I had just finished school and I was catchin up on my chores and stuff. So.. I took the time today since I was free to write dis book cx anyways.. I hope you liked this chapter. xP please don't mind the spelling errors. Im quite tired.. >///<

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