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Spirit pressed his silk muzzle to his weak mother's cheek. The palomino mare didn't even look up a her son's soft touch, warm brown eyes dull from the poison injected through her hind leg, and deep gashes to her neck and sides. An auburn mare trotted forward, her eyes down. "Nothing. We found no one who can help her, Spirit." she murmured, head drooping to the grass.

"We'll find someone. We have to. Don't worry, Mother, I won't give up on you!" he insisted, pushing away his mate's sympathetic nuzzle. "We have to..." he repeated. Despite his words, doubt and sorrow dripped lazily from his hopeful, desperate tone.

"No... S-Spirit... I... have lived... my time..." Esperanza rasped, her voice hoarse and scratchy. "Leave me now, please." the previous leader begged. She wished no more of the pain that pulsed through her veins every second, weakening her by the minute. Her once silken mane was knotted and ropey, like her tail, smooth, velvety coat ragged and rough like gravel.

"Never. Amber, send out another Search. Silver and Fox, help me get my mother to the lake." Spirit ordered grimly, taking up his place beside his mother. The red mustang, Fox, let Esperanza lean on her shoulder, while Silver supported her from behind.

"Spirit, think about your mother! She's been attacked by a pack of cougars, almost torn to pieces by a bear, and bitten in the leg by an extremely dangerous venomous snake! Think about her, for once! Spirit, PLEASE, JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!" Rain whinnied furiously, pacing alongside him, taking brief glances at Esperanza. Ash, a gangly gray colt, trotted between Fox and Silver, listening carefully to their leaders' conversation.

"Rain, I am thinking about my Mother. And I'm listening to you. I'm just... Too worried to hear any of it. I can't take it! The few months we've been back, there has been attacks on the herd, especially since it's Spring, and the bears are waking. Plus the foal... I can't cope!" the buckskin sighed, setting down Esperanza with her legs in the lake.

Rain's eyes softened. She knew it was hard for her mate to keep all of this up,and he was too stubborn to ask for help, even though her needed some. "I know." she murmured, deciding to leave it for now. Her cream-colored mane drifted out slightly in the breeze, making the mare look like a horse from a fairytale.

"I've sent out another Search, Spirit." Amber cantered back, reporting her news. But I doubt we can do anything to save your mother. the chestnut added silently, biting back the words that everyone was clearly thinking. She had been the deputy of the herd, but everything had been put on hold for Esperanza.

"Thank you, Amber. I know none of you have much faith, but I do." the leader replied, his chocolate brown eyes scanning the bowl-shaped herd area. Horses milled around, too anxious to eat or drink anything. A few took a quick nibble from time to time, but most of them were awaiting the news of their former leader.

"Spirit? S-something's not right! Her breathing... It keeps stopping!" A young colt nickered, panicking. Rain hesitantly stepped forward after her rushing mate; if Esperanza died, he wouldn't want many others see him sad. They had faith in a strong, brave leader, not a weak one that cries all the time, as he always said. Spirit's eyes were wide with panic as well, as he paced through the shallow water, hooves making gentle ripples as he did.

"Spirit..." Esperanza wheezed, calling for her son in the quietest voice possible. He darted over, of course, and bent down so his face was level with hers. "My time is near... I'll say Hello to your father for you." She panted, managing a half smile. Spirit nibbled the edge of her forelock, eyes welling with tears. He had never felt this much sorrow since Rain had been shot and almost died. Little Creek had saved her though. As if hoping the little Indian would magically appear, Spirit looked around for a moment. "Don't worry about me, Spirit. I love you. Til the end." Esperanza whispered, nibbling his forelock before her head slumped against the damp mud, her body a lifeless bulk at Spirit's hooves.

It took him a minute to register what had just happened, but Spirit cried out, his dark mane flying everywhere; covering his face, resting on Esperanza's body... He finally stopped, head draped across the Palomino's hard shoulder. This was it. She wasn't coming back. No more warm encounters, no more playful games... No more proud, loving looks from across the fields... Visions of him and his mother flashed through Spirit's mind.

I will always return, Spirit, no matter where I am, or how far away, I will always, come home.

Her words from years back repeated in his mind until it was too much to bear; tears spilled over, pouring down his golden cheeks. Rain touched her muzzle to his shoulder, her pale hooves making almost no sound on the sun-dried mud and wet grass. Spirit's eyes were squeezed shut as if he couldn't think, or even do anything simple as standing. No. He stayed frozen against his mother's side, like a little lost foal in Winter. Like a newborn. Reluctant. Scared. Unprepared.

Ghost Horse-Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron Where stories live. Discover now