Chapter 2- Foaling

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Dim rays of gray sunlight woke Spirit from his light slumber. At first, the stallion was confused as to way he was sleeping by the lake, but then it all came flooding back. The bite, the attacks... and the death. He glanced up the hill to where Rain slept, beginning to panic when she wasn't there. He saw the herd, huddled together in the middle of the field, but not his mate. It was definitely early in the morning, seeing as the skies above were dull and angry.

The leader stood swiftly, cantering anxiously to the top of the hill. "Rain?" he called nervously, hooves squelching through the churned up mud underneath him. Rainwater mixed with the dirt sucked at his legs as he moved, dragging him down. "Rain!" Spirit whinnied, more urgently. This time, he woke most of the others with his startled whinny. Horses below began to pace slightly, backing up as if not knowing what to do. Where was Rain? Just then, a high pitched, ear splitting shriek rang through the ears of everyone in the herd. "Rain!" Spirit cried, galloping towards the sound. Some followed him, cantering to see the commotion.

Following the lake around the corner to a small clearing, he found his mate, writhing in agony in the middle, on her side. "The foal!" the horses whispered excitedly.

"Rain? Is it the foal?" Spirit asked gently.

"Of course it is!" Rain snapped back, whinnying again. This could take a while.

"Everyone, out, Amber will help you all." Spirit herded them away, laying behind Rain and soothing her with his words, muzzle over her shoulder. "It'll be okay... Don't worry..." he murmured, sensing the mare settle down a little. "Deep breaths. Here we go." Spirit seemed completely unphased by his mate in pain, but on the inside, he was a nervous wreck. What if something went horribly wrong? What if Rain couldn't do it? So many questions flung to his mind, but in order to keep her calm, Spirit had to push them all behind him.

"Rain...  Meet our daughter..." Spirit murmured. Beside Rain, was a little filly. She had sooty legs, like her father, with his mane, tail and face, yet with Rain's markings, a silky golden coat and big, sapphire eyes.

"Perfect... She's perfect." Rain whispered, standing carefully and licking the filly dry. "She'll stand in her own time." Rain added, nudging her filly softly for support. In practically no time at all, both mother and foal were standing. Slowly, the family made their way out with Spirit in the front, then Rain, and finally, the foal.

Silver and Ash were the first to notice. "Spirit! Rain! She's beautiful, and just like her parents!" they congratulated and the whole herd watched as the little filly bounced confidently, before falling, standing and continuing. Eventually though, she grew tired and came to suckle.

"What's her name?" Fox asked, the mare's sleek red coat glimmering in the rising sun.

"Desert Solis. Or just Desert." Spirit replied, coming up from behind. He smiled proudly down at his first daughter, nudging her softly. Desert jumped back and looked up at her Father, a childish grin on her face. Spirit chuckled and nuzzled her, walking confidently up the hill. With a flick of his tail, the mustang bucked and cantered across the field, glancing behind him at the galloping filly. "I'll race you and the Eagle!" he whinnied with a grin himself, slowing to level with her. The eagle took off, soaring strongly above them. He raced ahead, Spirit gaining every second with Desert close behind.

Finally reaching the Big Lake, Spirit skidded to a halt. "Shh... Sometimes the Buffaloes come down here." After a few minutes waiting in silence, the big brown animals walked proudly into the shallow water,

lowering their bulky heads to drink in the fresh liquid.

"Whoa... Is it true you fought one before?" Desert asked, her voice filled with awe. Her bushy tail flicked in excitement as she waited for the answer.

"Yes, it's true. I fought that big one, at the front. He's the leader. But... we aren't enemies anymore." Spirit smiled. He whinnied to the leader, who lifted his head and nodded once with a rough smile. Several scars proved that he'd been in many fights, also representing his honorable bravery.

"Someday I'm going to be as big and strong as you, Daddy, and I'll fight off every enemy in my way." Desert declared smugly. Spirit laughed light heartedly, shaking his head in amusement. "What are you laughing at? It's true!" the filly insisted, cantering beside her father on the way back, Rain's loving eyes welcoming the two back. Having only been alive for a few hours, Desert had learned many things and talked to all the other foals. She really was impressive.

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