School's Curse

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I was at school, with my best friend, Liana, and my crush, Reef, when the bell rings and signaled the end of the school day. Then I realized....

"Reef! Did you hack into the school's bell system again?! I told you, you could get expelled!". It was true, and I had told him this many times.

"Calm down Coral, I actually didn't do it this time." Then he gave me a look that said, no, I totally did, and I started blushing again. I stared at the sky as we left school property and entered Liana's car. I kept my gaze on the sky as we got in and poped open three Pepsi's that Liana kept in her car.

Why am I looking at the clouds again? I thought as I looked at the window. Then I glanced at Reef and helped share my excellence in their conversation about what shades of blue mean.

So, this is the first chapter... I wonder why I picked those names? *smirks* Anyway, sorry about the paper cover. It will become digital, and probably cooler too. So.. uh... author out!

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