Archive Log: 05

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Pulling the jumper which she had pulled out of the bag, Alma tugged it on and shook her head. Shaking hair from her face, she pulled her hair over her shoulder and took to braiding it quickly. Her eyes flicked up as she watched Elizabeth walk past clipping new batteries into a torch. She flicked it on and looked to the bright white beam of light, before nodding slowly and glancing around. Her gaze eventually landed on Alma, she pulled her boots back on and did up the laces before jumping up.

Elizabeth handed her another torch and smiled thinly. Honestly, the thought of exploring the ship now with just them seemed even more daunting than it did before. At least before there was a small group. David stood outside the room while they had both quickly changed, he looked around the space with a blank look. The prospect for exploring for him didn't hold as much nerves as it did with the two females.

Looking downwards, he watched as Elizabeth stepped through the door and turned the torch on. Even with the lights, a brighter handheld one couldn't go amiss. David pushed away from the wall when Alma appeared. The three stood there silent for a moment, they knew one way led towards the control room, the rooms which petered off from the corridor were unknown. Maybe it made sense to start heading towards something known, rather than unknown?

"Right, let's go then," Elizabeth said with pushed enthusiasm. She stepped forwards and the other two fell into step behind her. Alma's torch shone up at the ceiling, her eyes skimmed across the ribbed structures which made up the walls. She hadn't truly registered how organic this whole ship seemed to be like from within. She faltered though in her steps, and Elizabeth stopped and looked back at her. "What is it?" She asked while Alma shone her light into the room and stepped forwards. "Alma?" Elizabeth looked worriedly to David, he raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

Honestly, from their earlier debate, dispute, whatever it was, he was rather deciding to just give her space. When she got in a mood, he just decided rather simply to not bother. If she was potentially going to lash out on him, when he didn't deserve it, because he tells her the truth when she asks a question, then why would he want it in his life? Honestly, it wasn't his fault, in the grand scheme of things, that when it came to that earlier topic, that he didn't honestly feel too bad for the passing of Peter Weyland. The man was somewhat pitiful at the end.

"I hid in this room," Alma turned, she could only just be seen through the darkness. Elizabeth's torch managed to minutely illuminate her figure. "When I ran...I hid in here...I heard you run, and the Engineer...I should've ran after you both," Alma looked at Elizabeth sadly. "I'm so sorry I didn't."

Elizabeth sighed, she walked over to where she stood. Reaching up, she placed her hands on her shoulders. "Even if you did...Alma, even if you followed, you could've wound up like everyone else."

"I thought I was the only one left, I really did."

"I know, and I thought the same." Elizabeth smiled sadly at her. "But we're here, together." She glanced around the room, removing her hand from Alma's shoulder as she shone the torch around. There didn't seem to be much in this room, there were small alcoves which could be utilised as hiding places. Alma was rather small in height and size, Elizabeth was rather certain she could've fitted into one of them and clung on tightly as the ship crashed. It must've been rather discombobulating to do so though.

David just stood on the outside of the room looking in at the two women. He tilted his head and looked at what he could of the room. He did wonder where she hid, and now he knew. "Shall we move on?" He asked, honestly, he didn't see the point of hanging around a room which caused one of them to feel such sadness.

And he could see it. Even from where he stood. He could see the hurt look on Alma's face. David tilted his head thoughtfully, perhaps post traumatic stress was finally kicking in. Both herself and Elizabeth had been through something traumatic, it wouldn't be a surprise if something like this did appear. David narrowed his eyes and watched as they exited the room, Elizabeth now holding onto Alma's hand lightly, perhaps if this had sunk in for the brunette, maybe that could've explained how she was earlier on. Mood swings, David mused. Lashing out on the nearest person to herself, which was him, as she's clearly mentally suffering through trying to truly figure out and settle into this new life. David nodded to himself, yes, he was affirming that. Give Alma a day or so, and she'd be back to normal.

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