Chapter 1

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"Look at the freak who never speaks" Yelled James the leader of the trio of bullies. Kyle the only one in the group that's not a douche spoke up stating the obvious, "Okay that's a lie he's had to have said something no one can just not speak." James glances back over the two people behind him as I stay pinned in the corner.

"Okay then how about we make him speak, Kyle grab him and hold him back." As Kyle slowly moves toward me I see the smallest opening to get past. Thank you god for making me such a small person. Right as Kyle was about to grab me I ran through the opening and down the school hallway.

I can't believe I got myself stopped by them again I have to stop going to the school library during last period. "Get back here you freak, we're not done with you yet!". I hear James yell from not far behind knowing that if I don't get to an open area soon he and his goons will catch up and that wouldn't be a pretty sight. With most of the teachers being gone and club activities going on I really doubt anyone would help me.

Taking a turn I see the door that leads to the football field choosing that as the best place to go. You know I could not care less if their in the middle of practice as long as I don't get hurt they can fuck themselves for all I care.I may not be the most social person around but I really don't care what people think of me.

They call me a freak cause I'm an albino, if anything I love being so unique. Bursting through the doors to the outside I assess what I have to dodge. Got to juke around the quarterback and jump the people punting then most likely tackling someone in the process of that, easy enough. Glancing back I see James right on my tail so I run even faster not even breaking a sweat.

As I was passing the quarterback I feel something grab my arm. No way in hell am I stopping here if James catches me I know something bad is going to happen to me. So I just kept running dragging whoever grabbed me right behind without loosing speed. Glancing back to look for James I see him bending down winded a ways behind me.

Still running with the person clinging to my arm I run to a near by park and stop to see who got me. It was the quarter back. Pulling out my phone I type in a text message, ' Hey are you okay?'. Looking up he read the message with a confused look, " Yeah I'm fine, the names Kevin and you are?"

Going back to my phone I type my reply, 'My name is Matt, I'm so sorry I was running from James and once I start running no one I've met can stop me.' Reading the next message he still looked confused. "Okay, a few questions if you don't mind me asking them first why don't you speak?"

Looking down sadly I put in my reply, 'Well I had a bad experience and haven't spoken since and I really don't wanna go into that right now.' Nodding he asks me more questions." Oh, sorry for bringing it up then, next what's with your hair and eyes and then if you are this good at running why are you not on the football team?"

'First I'm an albino I was born without the pigment others are born with so I look really awesome.' Kevin laughed at my response and then nodded for me to go on. 'Second I don't do sports, people think I'm a freak and avoid me so something like football is out of the question plus I would never make it past tryouts.'

"Okay that is totally not true if you pulled me all the way here without breaking a sweat how could you not make the team, you know what we are having tryouts in a week I am putting your name on the roster whether you like it or not." Wow what a demanding guy. Shaking my head no I back up a couple of steps and wave goodbye to Kevin, turning around I run all the way home.

Wow this is going to be a crazy week. I think to myself as I walk into my house to be greeted by my panda chow-chow. I can speak to him just not other humans don't know why but he just calms me. " Hey panda, I'm home how's about we have dinner and watch a superhero movie?"

Getting a cute bark as an answer I take it as a yes and get everything ready settling on Captain American we eat and I fall asleep before the movie was over. But before I fell asleep I think to myself lost in thought, ' Should I even bother showing up to the football tryouts or should I just leave early and not be bothered with the trouble it could bring?'



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2014 ⏰

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