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Name: Renée Henning

Username: Nottoc Apollo

Editing experience: I have over 5 years of editing experience. I am new to Wattpad and have just started editing the following: Breaking Down My Barriers by MissZee92/ Black Rose On Snow by Xanaphia/ Breathtaking Love by TwineAngel/ Mobile Boyfriend by Thundersong/ And Many More...

Genres: Will entertain all genres

Cost to client (if any): Typical - Fan/Vote/Comment on Profile

What will be included in your editing:

As your editor, I will provide the following services:

- correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and word usage while preserving the meaning and voice of the original text

- read for overall clarity and sense on behalf of the prospective audience

- check for a consistent style of format

- make suggestions about content & organization of work

- identify and solve problems of overall clarity or accuracy

- write or rewrite segments of text to improve readability and flow of information

A bit about you: I love assisting and helping writers. I am here to help make the stories you envision in your imagination clear to your readers.

I am also a classically trained Musician/Jewelry Designer/Graphic Designer/Programmer/A bit everything artistic...

I have two HUGE dogs.

Other jobs you will do: (X) Beta reading, (X) Critiquing, (X) Blurbs & (X) Covers

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