Make a Name for Yourself

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Who cares about me anyways?

Some random Asian dude right?

He talks about him being asian so much; surprised he's not vegan.

So who cares..? Why do I bother tell people and waste my time slaving away at a keyboard, pouring out ideas and frustrations onto a screen on my phone..?

Nobody cares about me. Nobody will probably read this unless my friend Hailie decides to go promote me for the third time.

She does that and I don't really put in any effort.

I don't have the drive to finish whatever I write.

I don't have enough passion to get my name out there and share my words.

The only writing I ever have gotten out is this.. and it's not formal.

It's just me going on a rant about my feelings.

Who cares about my feelings anyways?

My only friend on here is a girl who I talk to in school: Hailie.

I'd be better off texting her directly instead wouldn't I..?

Instead I'm doing this to public; almost as if I'm looking for attention. Which I guess I am, but that's not the main intention.

This is the best outlet right now to let out how I feel about myself and other things.

All I can do is text here.

I need to write stories for once and complete them, finally share my singing and..

I need to get my shit together.

Nobody would batt an eye at me being out a day.

Nobody knew it was my birthday.

Sure I kept it secret but even when I made a post saying "I made it through without anybody knowing it was my birthday, yay?"

Even with that.. only one person responded.

Sure my friends sorta did but not really..

"If you're falling in a forest
And there's nobody around,
Do you ever really crash
Or even make a sound?
Did I ever make a sound?"

When I first listened to Dear Evan Hansen - Waving Through a Window, I thought that I identified with it from when I was younger.

Now I realize that the real reason why I liked it..

Was just because that's the reality I'm in.

I've gotta get my name out right..?


Something I'll need to figure out some day..
Some day soon.

I can't just sit out here on the sidelines.

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