A Cyclone

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OCTOBER 6, 2014

I can't exactly describe how I'm feeling, but when Paige thought she didn't belong on the team today, I had to correct her and tell her that she definitely belonged here.


Okay so I asked Toby and he said that I "felt bad for Paige" and that I was "sympathizing with her" which are two things I've never done.

With the exception of Megan, I think...

The Director of Homeland, Director Merrick, is a very unlikeable man.

He didn't believe in us today, so Toby said due to my problem with authority, I disobeyed Cabe when he took us off the case so I could prove our worth.

Which is, like Toby would say, bullcrap.

Back to the Paige subject, I've never been as interested in a woman as I have been with Paige.

Not romantically, as normals would call it, just intrigued with her actually not minding to put up with a group of geniuses.

But then again, Ralph is one, too, and she is his mother, so she feels a need to surround him with people who make him comfortable being his self.

I can say that Ralph's company has proved to be very efficient in helping out with experiments and solving algorithms.

Speaking of efficient, writing in this is not, so I will be getting back to Megan's research.


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