A Jewel in the stars - Full Story

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Jewels' whole family was asleep. Only her, awake in her bedroom with her packed backpack. The house was silent, only the ghosts were awake, playing. Sure, but Jewel didn't believe in ghosts. The moon shines through the window, hitting the back of her head. Jewel takes a deep breath, lifts her bag over her shoulder and picks up her runners with her two middle fingers.

Jewel tip-toes across the small hallway, with bland white walls, dimmed by the night and the cloudy wooden, laminated floor. She continues to tip-toe through the house until she reaches the back sliding door. Jewel gently opens the door and steps onto the straw mat that meets her outside. She sits on the bottom railing of the door and puts her runners on. She gets up and continues to walk through the dying backyard. She stops at the shrubbery that splits her home to the secret path that leads out to a road close to her first destination. She starts to walk through the shrubbery sideways, trying not to get any wounds with the tight squeeze. Once Jewel joined to the path she could feel a warm liquid fall down her lower back. She assumed to was a small cut as it did not hurt. Jewel started walking down the pathway to the road.

The air was cold but still. No wind could be felt. The walk gave her time to think; Did she want to do this? Was the worth it? Is this what she wanted? Yes, I was worth it. To run away from the hell hole of her parents. Sometimes she would call her parents Hitler's children, they were so terrible. She had enough of then, she was fed up of always being the underdog. She could not stand it. Always seen as the no-good-for anything.

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