1: Hotel Lobby

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Hey everyone! Okay so first I want to thank you all for reading my very first book! You all rock! I hope you enjoy it and continue to read thanks sooo much for checking out State of Infatuation! Enjoy!

All Rights Reserved© copy right 2014

Losing him was blue like I'd never known

Missing him was dark grey all alone

Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met

But loving him was red

Oh, red

Burning red

-Red, Taylor Swift

Chapter 1// Hotel Lobby:

Olivia's POV:

"Oh c'mon lets just go to the lobby" Lizzy begged me as we sat in our hotel rooms.

"It's boring what can we possibly do there?" I said while flipping through my magazine on my bed

"Hmmm lemme guess maybe we could talk to some of the hotties!" she said grabbing the magazine out of my hands.

"Give it back now." I said as I made a death stare at her as she held my Harpers Bazar magazine.

"What's so important about this magazine anyways?" she said while flipping through it.

"Um there horoscopes are very accurate..." yes I got a magazine because of the horoscopes otherwise I wouldn't look at a fashion magazine I find them boring. I love magazines like Seventeen there my guilt pleasure.

"You bought a five dollar magazine because of that bull?" yup Lizzy didn't believe in any of that. Which is stupid because hey they were accurate when they said I would be having crazy drama one week. Gotta hand it too them.

"Oh shush do I criticize you when you get those Archie comic books?" and I got her. She was blushing from embarrassment.

"I like Veronica" she simply admitted while sitting down on the bed beside me. Haha my freaky best friend is a wacko.

"Awesome you finally admitted it yay! So what do you want to do this afternoon?" I said standing up and walking over to the closet to pick my outfit.

"Lets gemme a boyfriend so I can rub it in Jeremiah's face when I get back to school" she said springing up from the bed and running over to the closet beside me.

I laughed at my crazy friend. Jeremiah is Lizzy's ex boyfriend and she saw on Facebook he got a new girlfriend over spring break so as typical since my best friend is super competitive she needed to get a boyfriend just to rub it in his face.

"I mean did you see how fake Tiffany was?" yeah Tiffany is Jeremiah's new girlfriend and I haven't heard the end of this since we got here which was about a week ago.

"Liz" I said pulling out an outfit from the closet

"Yeah?" she turned her face to see what I was holding it was a dark blue flurry short skirt which I was gonna wear with my off white crop top and white converse.

"Olalala I approve! Now find me an outfit" she said as she pulled out a yellow sun dress.

"Anyways Liz, what I was going to say was don't make your last day here about finding a boyfriend just because Jeremiah has a girlfriend doesn't mean you need a boyfriend." I walked over to the bed and started stripping out of my pool dress and into my outfit.

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