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I log into TOME and spawn in lavendera, Maddie and Amy waiting for me.

Name: Shade

Class: Fighter

Powers: Shadow Bending

"Hey Guys." I said to my friends.

"Bout time you're here." said the one in a tattered dress.

"Hey Amy." I greeted

"I'm Maddie," she says with her arms crossed.

"Wait what?"

"I'm Amy, silly!" The girl in blue tells me giggling.

"What?" This just got weird.

"Keep up slowpoke. Read the gamertags."

Under the girl in the tattered dress her tags showed,

Name: Maddie Hatter

Class: Spellcaster

Powers: Madness

Under the girl in the blue I read her tags:

Name: Gelly

Class: Spellcaster

Powers: Telepathy

"Oh. Sor-" Cutting me off seemed to be a pattern between these two.

"You wouldn't have guessed. It's fine."

"Don't be so sad, Shady!" Gelly pats my head giggling.

"Anyway, let's battle you and me." Maddie said, going in for the kill. I told them I've played before I came here. Having experience in the game, I knew what trick she was planning to pull.

I respond with three words.

"Bring it on."

BATTLE ON! the AI says as Gelly gets locked out of the grid, leaving me and Maddie in the field.

She begins by multiplying herself to distract me. She wasn't going to beat that easily.

"Where am I, noob?" they all ask simultaneously.

I proceed to use my shadow wave to eliminate the clones.

"There." I answer her.

"Try this then" she throws a summoned spear at me.

I phase through it throwing a shadow star to counter.

"Not too well, buddy." I say smirking.

"How are you close up?" she lunges at me summoning a blade to attack me.

I vanish in a cloud of smoke and counter from behind with my own dark blade.

"I'll give you a hint. I'm not bad."

Seeing that coming, she deflects my blade and throws me to the floor proceeding to pin me.

"Got a good enough look, boy?" I found it funny that she thought she had the advantage.

I flip her pinning her as well.

"Was that supposed to be clever?"

She kicks me off getting some distance from me, scowling that she was countered again.

I hear another player flying over me while making a pig like noise.

"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"  I got distracted while looking at the avatar wearing a superman-esque suit.

I turn my head back to see a fist to my face.

"LOSE!", The AI said to me as I fall to the floor

The grid fades and Gelly runs over to us. turning towards me, trying to contain her laughter.

"HEY LOOK! YOU LOST!!" She bursts laughing, almost falling over.

"Shut. Up." I spit back.

"ooooooooooo" her eyes got wide.

"Oh, be a man. You lost. big deal." Maddie shot back at me.

"Cheapshot." was all i said. Amy began to yawn, I realized what the time was.

"OK GUYS I GOTTA GO! G'NIGHT!" Amy giggled as she logged off for the night.

"Yeah I should get going too. Smell ya later." Maddie said to me as she flew out of the atmosphere of Lavendera and trailing Gelly.

"Night guys" They didn't hear me, though I felt compelled to say it.

I logged off, took off my VR Helmet, placed on my lamp table, and headed for bed.

"Tomorrow awaits." i said to myself as i drifted off into sleep.

Battle On: A Terrain of Magical Expertise fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now