Soon I feel asleep on Mark's shoulder.Max was fighting his sleep.
"Come on Max.Time for bed."Mark said as he whispers in Jenna's ear.
'Come on baby,wake up.lets put the munchens in the room,lets go to bed.'
"Okay,I'm Up."I said as I get up.
Mark carried Mia to her room. I turn the lights off,and put the Alarm on,and Max followed Jenna to the room
"Max,You brush?"I asked.
"Yes Mom."Max said
"Ok,to your Room."I said as i walk him to his room,and tuck him in,kiss his head.
"Night Max."I said as i smile.
"Night Mom."Max said falling asleep.
I smiled,close his door alittle and walk to Mia room,kiss her cheek and tuck her in,went to Mark and I room.
"Baby,Soo sleepy. Come on.I need my baby."Mark said
"Me too babe."I said as i giggle,close our door,and turn the lights off lay down next to Mark,close my eyes as he held me close and smile.
"Baby,i love you so much. I don't want to lose you,or the kids. Ya are the best thing that happen to me. I love ya guys."Mark said as he squeezes me and kiss my cheek.
I giggled and kiss him,smile.
"I dont want to lose you either babe."I said as i kiss back.