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---Next Day ;Mall

Max and Mark went to the Boy area to get boy clothes and everything.

Mia and I and Jaxson went to get Mia her stuff.

"Mommy I love this shirt !"Mia said

"It's cute baby..You want it ?"I asked

"Yesh !" Mia said excited.

I got Mia her clothes and shoes and backpack and school supplies..Mark and Max came back and got Max his clothes...Shoes and backpack and School supplies...we went to eat..went home.

"Max,Make sure you put everything away.please."I said

"Yes Mom."Max said walking away putting his things away.

"Daddy,what school is Max going ?"Mia asked

"He's going to the middle school I went too."Mark said

"And me ?"Mia asked

"It's elementary same as middle school...Your mother and I went...but we didn't know each other."Mark said

Jaxson was Playing with Flash's Tail

"Jaxson,leave Flash alone..he will bite you."Mark said picking up Jaxson.

"Sworry daddy."Jaxson said

"It's okay buddy..leave Flash alone..he will bite you...we have to take you to the emergency room."Mark said as he hugs Jaxson.

I came downstairs,I just finished putting Mia's School clothes away and shoes and backpack full with school supplies away.

"All we got to do is Resister them babe."I said plopping on the sofa next to Mark.

"Yeah..What day ?"Mark asked

"Tuesday or Wednesday."I said as I hug Mia.

Mia giggles and play with Jenna's hair

"Mommy I want your hair."Mia said

I giggle,Mark smiles

"Why love ?"Mark asked

"Because,its pretty and so natural and just so curly."Mia said as she pulls lightly and curly bounces.

"See babe,Mia loves your hair."Mark said

"No baby,leave your hair like your daddy's."I said

"Gahhh okay "Mia said as she looks at the heart necklace that Mark gave Jenna.

"Mom,Dad we doing anything today ?"Max asked coming downstairs

"No,why ?"Mark asked

"Cause,I wanted to know if Derick can come over?"Max asked

"Sure."Mark said

Max calls Derick.

"Max has Straight hair ."Mia said

Max hangs up

"Jealous Mia ?"Max said laughing

"Nah....You jealous."Mia said laughing

"Nah Sis,I'll be alright."Max said messing Mia hair.

--Moment later Max friend came over

"Hey Mia."Derick said as he smiles

"Hi."Mia said as she colors

"Mom,Dad Derick here..we will be in my room."Max said

"Ok."Mark called back.

"Where's your parents?"Derick asked

"In the office."Max said

Jaxson was playing with his fake keys.

"Oh ok."Derick said

--Max room

"Hey...I got to tell you...your Mom hot."Derick said

"Hey don't say that about my Mom...thats pretty gross."Max said

"What ? saying your mom so hot..? Dude...if your dad ever left your mom...I'll be.."Derick got cutt of by Max

"Bro stop !"Max said as puts the Ps3 on.

"Just saying."Derick said 

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