Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“You didn’t have to do that,” Jason told her as the two walked home the next day. Since Mrs. Harris was caught up at work, Gabrielle had to walk to the edge of the school property to pick him up. She was suspended for 5 days and was ordered by her mother to return to therapy with Ms. Johnson. Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders, ramming her cold hands into the pockets of her jeans.

“I know,” Gabrielle said slyly. “But that bitch deserved it.”

Jason smirked. His cousin was the only one to understand him. Even with his weird attire —trip pants and a tattered Misfits shirt today— she still felt he was something more on the inside. A family member who wanted him in their life… that’s all he ever wanted.

Black hair fell in Gabrielle’s eyes as they strolled past the apartment building. Jason laughed at her struggling to control it. It constantly happened to her. No matter how often Gabrielle passed by and what the weather was like, a gust of wind always ruined her hairstyle on that strip of sidewalk. She flattened her hands over her head to see where she was going and giggled.

As quickly as she found that fleeting joy, it was drained from her.

There he was.

Charlie turned the corner of his apartment building, a giant white trash bag in hand. He had no idea the love of his life was only a few yards away, frozen to her spot. Gabrielle’s heart dropped. At the same time, the butterflies in her stomach made her feel all the worse… and all the better.

“What’s wrong,” Jason asked, not bothering to keep his voice down. Gabrielle grabbed her cousin’s arm and pulled him closer, hiding herself from view. Jason flinched back from her closeness. He had no idea what was going on.

“We’re going the long way around,” she said sternly. “Now. Don’t ask why.”

Gabrielle began pulling him away but Jason stayed rooted to his spot.

At that moment, Charlie looked up.

Two people were arguing, nothing significant of that. There was a boy who looked very odd in his clothing. Charlie remembered wanting to be a part of his darker phase. He smirked and threw his trash into the dumpster. Looking back at the two, he wanted to see more of the girl he was arguing with. She tried pulling the boy out of Charlie’s view. That made him more curious. There was something that called to him, something about her. The girl’s black hair swung wildly as she urged her friend away.

Charlie gasped when he realized just who she was. It can’t be, he questioned silently. Could it?

“Annabel Lee,” he shouted. The girl stilled, holding onto the young boy.

“Jason,” Gabrielle whispered urgently into her cousin’s chest. “I can’t explain just… when I say so, we’re running.”

Jason tried to pry his frightened cousin off his chest. “What?”


Gabrielle took off with Jason barely keeping up with her. He knew they were running, he just wasn’t sure who from. Jason glanced back at the man that called out for them. He wasn’t familiar in the slightest but he frightened his cousin. Gabrielle was the bravest person he knew and that man scared her. He knew well enough to keep going. No way was he going to figure out why at that exact moment.

Charlie gazed after the two. His heart broke and he almost fell to his knees. The man shook his head, not letting anger take him. This time, only sorrow filled his heart.

That was her. That was his beloved Annabel Lee. The girl he felt was the only one for him saw his face and made her choice.

She chose to forget him.

“What the hell was that about?”

Jason and Gabrielle stopped their running once they were blocks away. Gabrielle escaped to the only spot she could think of, perfect for hiding anything: the riverside. It was where she hid his belongings and where she hid the car. It was the safest and only place she thought to go.

“I… I can’t,” Gabrielle choked out behind her tears. Charlie couldn’t have been there. She ran through all the possibilities of how he could find her. Her mind felt like it was swelling inside her skull with all the painful thoughts and what-ifs. Gabrielle hit the inside of her wrist on her forehead and wept. She was disgusted with herself. He was the one that stole her peace of mind.

And yet somehow, there was a flicker of happiness in seeing his longing face once more.

“You said no secrets,” Jason stated, bringing Gabrielle back to the real world.  Her cousin narrowed his eyes. “I told you my biggest mistake. Think that wasn’t hard? You’re going to tell me or I will find him and bring him here.”

“No!” Gabrielle shook harder and bit her lip. “Please, Jason, not now.”

“Yes, now!”

Biting her lip, more tears swelled in her eyes. She couldn’t breathe, let alone talk. All she could do was crumble onto the ground and try not to throw up the sorrow she was choking on. Jason took pity. He kneeled next to his cousin and cradled her into his arms.

“Gab,” he said softly. She was the strongest person he knew and that man broke her. Wiping his own tears away, he had to ask again. “What happened? Gabby, you have to tell me what happened.”

The girl nodded her head into his Misfits tshirt.

An hour and many tears later, her story was told. Every secret she kept, every girl she imagined he murdered, every suffering she was forced to endure… all of it was confessed to Jason. Once Gabrielle could no longer cry and no longer say anything, she waited for her cousin’s response. The girl knew Charlie was the one she wanted; she just couldn’t let herself love him.

“He doesn’t deserve to live,” Jason growled after a long period of time.

Gabrielle glanced up at her younger cousin. He looked to her protectively, angered anyone would touch his family. Jason stood as Gabrielle gazed into the river. The water held her attention since she didn’t feel the reality around her. She didn’t realize what her cousin was truly saying, what he truly meant. Jason stormed off before Gabrielle could even blink properly.

She knew what Jason was capable of. Taking her time to stand and follow him home, she planned on what was to happen next.

Charlie was back. The decision was, did she want him or not?


AUTHOR'S NOTE: They've seen each other!! Oooohhh... I had a hard time writing this but I'm glad I it's done. And the storm has only just begun! What does that mean? What do you want it to mean?? ;) Leave a comment!

PS - New trailer!! It was made by the lovely brookieismyname. She's awesome. Go read her stuff cause she's an amazing writer too <3 Trailer to the side... :D

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