Asa 🌹Chapter 1.

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It was 15:30 as Asa den  Bunch of flowers She looked at the clock which hung against her on the wall "na where does she stay that?" She asked herself, and put the bouquet in a vase of water, when Asa sat down, she heard the door bell people she li...

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It was 15:30 as Asa den  Bunch of flowers She looked at the clock which hung against her on the wall "na where does she stay that?" She asked herself, and put the bouquet in a vase of water, when Asa sat down, she heard the door bell people she lifted to the salesroom in front of her an elderly woman smiling greeted Asa the lady "good day what can I do for her? " Asa asked smiling, "I wanted to ask if they could make a funeral's wreath?" Asked the lady. Asa took a block and pencil "Of course with a funeral's grind?" Asa asked "oh, what colors do they have that?" Asked the Darme and Asa astonished "Orange, red, white, black, dark green, light blue and chestnut brown!" Said Asa, and took the air "now light blue ... That was his favorite color," said the eldest lady, "light blue ... And what is to be on the loop?" Asa asked, smiling gratefully, "Now what's the matter?" Asked the Darme. "In thought of ... Or we will never forget you ... Or rest in freedom or you are always in our hearts," Asa said, "now in thought of kishi himato," said the oldest lady Asa write it down " Gold or silver? " Asked Asa "what suits to light blue?" Asked the lady "So I recommend silver!" "Yes Dan Silver!" Said the lady smiling "silver ... What green branches do they want the wreath?" Asked Asa "now I would like to tuja" "Tuja ... And in between buxus'e?" Asked Asa "no," said the eldest lady "oki ... So what kind of thing do you want?" Asa asked, "I would have ... oh, they have such beautiful flowers, may I .." "Of course!" Said Asa and the oldest lady looked around them, describing the duch on which the German and the botanical name stole downstated the prizes .. Asa played in her lips pirsing around "oh what is that?" Asked the Darme and pointed to a vase of orange flowers "That's Lilium lancifolium so too German tiger lilies" Asa said "oh I take" Asa nodded and lif to the vase "how many do they want?" "4" said the lady Asa took 4 beautiful lilies out some still had buds "Dan 5 red roses and Dan still what green ..." said the lady "Now I could offer you chico or cinnamon leaves or monsterer or what I like is the swordfish Nephrolepis exaltata!" Said Asa, and showed the woman the leaves "oh, what does that mean again to a gardener?" Asked the Darme smiling "Nephrolepis exaltata" Asa said again "it sounds great to whom they say the plant names!" "Asa said," I had 40 leaves from the sword, "said the oldest lady Asa, nodding and taking her out of the bucket.

"Oh and what about the cinnamon the really really cinnamon !!" Said the woman smiling Asa stumbles at the take and write it down "and I still had 11 times what the veil," said the oldest lady Asa write it also ... "so wan is the the funeral?" Asked Asa "on 25.5 at 13:00," said the lady
"Oki is I going to go there?" "No my son takes it off," said the lady "oki as is the name of her son?" "Iku riri" said the lady
"Ok ... Would you like to pay it now or after the funeral?" Asked Asa "oh now, does that make much?" Asked the intestine, and circling the door bell in her pocket. Asa looked at him. "Ah, Mrs. Nori, I'll give you the bouquet!" Asa said smiling the woman who came in came waving off. "That makes 35.40 € please" said Asa "oh that is favorable there are stores that want almost 50.00 €" said the lady and Garb Asa the money Asa tapped into the cash box the lower load went on and Asa Lay the money in and get the rest of the money rausgeben it the lady and the cashbank "so .. I wish you a nice day and see you soon!" "Asa," said Asa, the lady lifted to the door, "thank you dear child, I wish you too." The door of the door closed "so Mrs. Nori ........ Here is her bouquet," said Asa the woman marveled not badly the bouquet Was with white rose in the middle were 4 carnations in red / pink around the white roses was sword fan and chico.

"Oh, how beautiful, what do you want for it?" Asked the woman "exactly 21,00 € please" Asa said smiling, the woman gave Asa the money the woman still had 5 € in the hand "Hir for it!" Said the woman smiling "oh thank you!" Asa accepted it "goodbye and a nice day still!" Rif Asa smiling
"Thank you and them" the loading door closed and it was quiet in the load only the loud from snuffed of Asa to hear. She sat on the stool as the door bell sounded Asa jumped to "Hello what can I ... ..What do you want hir?" Asked Asa disgustedly, "pour l'amour de Dieu ... Asa are you talking to your customers?" Asked the blue-haired man in the suit it was shuu.

Asa-mark shuu did not even though he had helped her very often "I'm not allowed to see? Asa-lein?" Shuu smiled as Asa folded her arms and leaned against the wall behind her "but" she said dryly
Shuu grinned at her, "I love it when you get angry," shuu said, and lifted the checkout door open and Asa looked around shuu around a little boy with a blue woolen gown looking around "ha .... hello," he said timidly "Hello little man what can I do for you?" Asked Asa, smiling, "can I buy it?" Asked the little boy and lif to Asa he showed her € 5.

"Now you can buy 5 roses or put a small orchid or a small tire in the flowerpot!" Said Asa smiling the boy saw the little Tire tied to the On wire were he took a frog but he put him back into the glass "what is an orchid?" He asked Asa lif to the small shelf "Hir these are orchids!" "Wow they are beautiful!" Said the young enthusiastically.
"I want such a request!" Said the boy and pointed to a small orchid the white with lilan points was "very beautiful" said shuu and grinned "so you want to have a nicer overhead?" "Yes ... In purple!" Said the boy enthusiastically Asa lif to the shelf brought a small overhead and set the plant pure.
"Great place to stay" Asa smiled and went to checkout. The young lif with Asa with
"Do you know what?" "No," said the boy, smiling, "look for a little Tire," Asa said, smiling, "but .." said the boy and lif to the glass.

Asa lay in her workplace a transparent plastic film and set the plant on it shuu leaned against the wall and saw Asa, he grinned only .. The young lif with a butterfly back to the checkout "the is beautiful!" Said Asa, and put the butterfly in the potting ground, "yes, my mamma Mark butterflies," said the young enthusiastically "so what loop do you want?" Asa asked, turning to the wall hindering her on the wall was a shelf with different grind colors and sizes.

"I do not know they are all beautiful!" Said the young "hm ... The bright green and white ?!" Asa asked the young smiling the boy nodded. Asa grabbed the plant and closed the package with the grind
"So ready, Hir small man," Asa said smiling, "but now I have to pay 10 €?" Asked the young Asa shyly "Well, but I make an exception for you, just give me the € 5" Asa said and winked at the boy at this Asa gave the 5 € and smiled "so wait I pack you this in a bag" Asa, Asa grabbed the plant in a paper bag and handed the bag to the young of this smiling "thank you !!" He said, and lif to the door, he waved to Asa and closed the door. Asa smiling "oh you can be nice?" Shuu asked Asa looked at shuu and pulled out her gardener apron and lay this on a chair she took the vases with the cut flowers and put this into the cool room shut this and lif into the sales shuu lif to the door opened this "after you beautiful Woman "shuu said and bowed Asa rolled her eyes and lifed out. Shuu closed the door to Asa locked it.

"Asa-lein you're hungry I know a great restaurant," said shuu Asa looked at him "now I'm hungry." Well, let's eat something thank you, "Asa said and grinned shuu at this smiling her back


I hope the first chapter has pleased you if so I would like very much about your feedback

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