How you get wounded

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There might be a lot of mistakes. Sorry. English isn't my first language.


You were giving a cup of water to bleeding Harper in the dropship when two grounders from ice nation came inside. You tried to hide with Harper but they saw you. You started running and managed to grab a knife from the table. You stood in front of your friend ready to protect her. You didn't know how to use knife, you wish you had had your gun but you left it in your tent. One of the grounders started talking in grounder language. You didn't understand anything. Your hands became sweaty, you trembled. Where is Bellamy? When grounders stopped talking one of them came upstairs and the other rushed into you with a sword. You escaped to the left and kicked him in his balls. But it looked like he didn't even felt this. You held your arms in front of you trying to cover your body. Grounder hitted your arm and you dropped the knife. You started running to the exit but men catched your leg and you fell down on your face. Your nose started bleeding. Grounder wanted to cut your head but Octavia bursted into the dropship and kicked sword out of his hand. They started figthing and you passed out.

Two guards (mountain men) held you tight and dragged you to the white room with some medical equipment. You didn't have enough strength to fight with them. But you waited for the right time to escape. You let a cry trying to look weak. One of the guards laughed. They putted you on the bed and turned their backs to you looking for something. That was the moment you were waiting for. You grabbed the needle from the table and jumped on one of men. You cut his neck with it, just right where the artery was. Blood started leeking and man fell down with you on his back. You punched second guard on back of his knees causing him to fell. You sat on him, putted his arms on his neck and pushed. Men cried out under you and tried to kick you. It hurted but you didn't stop. Then you felt sharp pain on your side. You saw men pushing his knife into your stomach. You felt dizzy. When guard finally stopped breathing you started screaming for help.

Monty was lying pn the ground. He still was breathing but blood was leeking from his right leg. You had to do something. If he stays there he will die from the bullet. He was on the shooting line. You waited for a break and you run as fast as you could. And you got to your boyfriend. "Quick. Stand up Mont" you let him throw his arm around you and you started dragging him to the safe place. Once you almost got there which took ages people started shooting again. You curled into a ball with Monty and felt sharp pain in your arm. You looked at it. Bullet only touched you lightly but pain was horrible. You and Monty run last meters together and fell on the ground. Both bleeding and in pain but alive.

"He did nothing wrong you sick bastard" you yelled at the boy standing in front of you. He was the one who tried to kill Murphy. You have seen who trully killed Wells and exposed the truth but people didn't believe you. "He's innocent. You're the one who deserves to die" your voice trembled. You were to shocked and didn't notice that boy was angry and willing to hit you. He punched you on your right eye. Pain was awfull but other feeling was overwhelming. Anger. You threw few punches and seconds later he lay down on the ground in front of you. You kicked his stomach and said "I didn't even have to use gun. Perfetic. You're lucky I didn't kill you." You rushed to Murphy helping him to stand up. He looked at you grateful and worried. "You will have a big bruise". "I don't care babe".

Reapers where close behind you. You run as fast as never before but it wasn't enough. You wanted Lincoln to be with you. He was busy helping Luna and his people. You needed to handle enemy alone. There was three of them. You turned left into another tunel but it ended after few meters. "Damn". You took your sword in right hand and small knife in the left. First Reaper jumped on you and you stabbed him in his chest. He still tried to atack you. You pushed him back and cut his throat with a knife. At the same time second Reaper bited your neck. You punched him with head of your sword and began atacking. After few stabs he was dead. Only one left. He threw a knife in your direction. You did flip back and got on your feet. This one was the strongest. You struggled to hit him. He punched in your throat and you fell on your knees. You cut his leg and he fell next to you. You quickly put your sword in his chest.

Ice Nation atacked your farm station again. You were sick of them constantly ruining what you built. You took your swords and run towards few men burning down one of the tents. When they saw you they began atacking. There was too many of them but you wanted to fight anyway. Quick stabs, kicks and punches. There was no time for a proper fight. It felt almost like dancing. Jumping and ducking, avoiding stabs then taking swings and putting sword in your enemy chest. But there was more of them coming. You started to get weaker, exposing yourself. One of the grounders managed to hit your side with a hamer. Fortunately you had your armour on so it didn't kill you but you felt terrible pain and warm blood. You backed up a few steps. Then you heard scream. It was Raven, she gave you gun and started shooting to the grounders. You joined her. After few minutes everyone was dead. You won.

Well that was long. Thanks for reading and please vote if you like my work ;)

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