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Everyone was cleaning the gym, for they haven't done it in quite a time. Nishinoya and Tanaka were getting extra cleaning supplies in the storage room, the others, minus Kageyama and Hinata, who were buying drinks for everyone, were cleaning the gym.

"Woah guys!" Nishinoya shouts from inside of the storage. "Did you find something?" Tanaka asked, curious. Everybody looked at him confused. "What is it Noya?" Sugawara asked, "I found a chess board!" Tsukishima snorts from across the gym, "You can play chess?" Nishinoya glared at him, "Of course I can! Wanna play?!" The blonde french fry raised a brow cockily, "Oh yeah? Bring it, Senpai."


"Checkmate." Tsukishima places his bishop, a straight line to Nishinoya's king. Tsukishima still had his queen, a rook, 3 pawns and a knight. Nishinoya, who lost, only had 2 knights, a rook and a pawn. The shorter glared at Tsukishima, "One more!" The taller just laughs, sneering at the small livers in front of him, fuming.

Distracted by Nishinoya being a sore sport, they didn't hear Kageyama and Hinata entering the gym, to be surprised with a shout, "Ooh! Is that a chess board?!" The sunshine immediately shoved the other bags of drink into Kageyama's arms and ran to where the team were huddled at. "Oi Dumbass!" Hinata completely ignored it.

"Who's playing?" He asked, Tsukishima looked at Hinata in amusement, "You know how to play chess?" Hinata beams ignoring the way Tsukishima said it, "Yeah! Me and my Dad used to play against each other in America!" The team looked at Hinata confused, 'His dad is from America?' Hinata took the seat Nishinoya was on, who stopped fuming, "Wanna play a game with me, Tsu-ki-shit-a?" He says, emphasizing every syllable with a bit of mockery laced in his voice. Tsukishima glared, "You're on, Shrimp." "Prepare to lose." Hinata had this glare in his eyes that are very similar when there are playing matches, it sent chills to Tsukishima's spine.


Everyone was quiet perfectly indulged into Hinata and Tsukishima's game. Hinata kept a straight face while Tsukishima was sweating bullets. 'All of my strategies should've ended him. How did he stop all of them?!' His mind was screaming. He lost his queen, both of his rooks and and bishops, he was left with 6 pawns, 2 knights and his king. Hinata still had both of his rooks and bishops, his queen at the side, ready to take over another pawn, and his king, unfortunately he has lost all of his pawns. Even though Tsukishima has most chess pieces, they mostly composed of minors. Hinata, who had less pieces are all composed of majors.

Tsukishima analyzed the board. He saw an opening. He moved his knight, after Hinata's turn it would mean victory in his favor. After Tsukishima placed his knight, Hinata laughed out loud, "Haha! Excellent move! But then again." Hinata points at his rook, "The game has ended." He moved white rook, and now it's aimed straight for the black king, "Check-" He flicks Tsukishima's king down with his finger, "-mate."

Everybody roared in shock, bunch of 'woah's', 'ooh's', and 'yeah's' echoed through the gym. Hinata had won.

"H-How..?" Tsukishima was flabbergasted, it was impossible. A shrimp like Hinata who had nothing in his mind but Volleyball had beaten him. Hinata grinned at Tsukishima, "I used to be a champion at chess in middle school." He takes out his orange phone with a Volleyball keychain that had a number 9 on it. Kageyama suddenly bursted red, "Oi Kageyama? You okay?" Tanaka asked, "Woah! He's completely red! What happened?" Sugawara noticed Tanaka's screaming and saw Kageyama, who was currently crushing a milk box.

"Ah! Here!" Everyone's attention turned back to Hinata, the ginger's hand proudly in the air as a picture was on his phone. There he was the same Hinata they all knew and loved, a medal on his right and a trophy on his left that says '1st place' on both. There were two people on each side of Hinata, "The other two are my friends from middle school! The one's I played volleyball with! Izumi and Kouji!" Everyone had their mouth's open. "I wanted to play volleyball because I needed to get out more-- which explains my height --so thanks! It's been a long time since I played!" Hinata mumbled something in the middle, but no one caught on.

Daichi smiles, "Who knew you could play chess, Hinata." Said boy looks up at Daichi, "Well I needed other hobbies other than volleyball!"

"Wow, Hinata is actually making sense." Tsukishima comments, "Chess is so exciting! It's like WOAH, then suddenly and expected move comes out and BAM--" "Spoke too soon."

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