loke, natsu and lucy

401 15 1

Loke: hey princess.

Lucy: loke, what is it.

Loke: lets go somwhere that the two of us can enjoy 😉😉

Lucy: ..........

Natsu: she can't, she has plans with me!


Loke: me and Lucy are now  a 'thing' so back of!

Natsu: don't back of me, I know you and lucy are not a 'thing' so stop contacting her for no reason!!

Loke: I wont give up that easily so get ready.

Natsu: oh I'm ready!!

Lucy: stop it you guys, loke you have Aries so stop teasing natsu, and natsu are you really gonna listen to him?!

Natsu: wait.......teasing?!

Loke: well mira told me to tease you and she also told me that I'll have fun teasing you so I gave you a shot and damn you're so protective.

Natsu: oh shut up, so lucy wanna go out.

Lucy: sure pick me up at 8pm

Natsu: alright!😁😁

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