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Hey beautiful readers 🤗
Hope u all remember me, missed me ?

Ok i knw m gonna get hit my tomatoes n especially by eggs in manan style😛 for disappearing so sudden 😝.... I know u all are angry 

but sorry guys *kaan pakadke * my studies didnt permit me to be active n being a fashion designing student it needs more of time and lots of thought process in that i have failed concentrating on stories but this time il make sure il be regular...

Soo guys right now I have come up with new story i know u all r waiting for old stories but as its been soo many months I hav lost track n going through writers block so ryt now with fresh mind I hav started this new story and very soon mostly within a week il continue the old stories too...
Hope u guys will encourage me in this new journey too
Thanks alot 😊
Sorry once again🙁

Plz Go check my profile n add the new story guys n do like n comment I need your support please

Happy reading :)
Honey :)

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