Good Girl

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                                                                                    Chapter 1:

                                                                                    *Ellies POV*

"Beep Beep Beep" The sound of my alarm rang in my ears, waking me up. Ugh 2 more months left of school..Greaaaat. I woke up and started getting ready for another vile day of school. At least i get to see Ashton..The most perfect boyfriend, He is so sweet and not to mention gorgeous. I curled my hair as i thought about what to wear, I always have to look my best i feel like the kids at school judge me and make me something im not. Ashton always reminds and shows me how special i am, one of the many reasons i love him. 

I hear my phone vibrate on the desk, i quickly walk across the room to answer it. 

"Hiya" I chirped into the phone

"Hey babe" Ashton voice rang through the phone, giving me butterflies.

"You here?" I assumed thats why he called.

"Ill be there in Five, be downstairs please" Ashton declared as he hung up the phone.

I quickly got my stuff together and walked downstairs to go wait on the porch. I saw ashtons car pull up and i quickly hopped in. He kissed my cheek after i got settled in the seat and He grabbed my hand and drove to school. We arrived at school, Me and ashton walked to our lockers to get books and put our stuff away.

"Hey there gorgeous!" Tara screamed as she ran towards me.

"Hey cutie" I winked at her as i started to laugh.

I said my goodbyes to ashton kissing and exchanging "I love you's". Me and tara made are way to our first period which is Art. We sat down at our seats and talked till our teacher walked in.

"Good morning my beautiful souls" Mr. Harper greeted us as he walked in.

"Goooood Morning Mr. Harp" The whole class chirped.

"We have a new student i would like to introduce to you" Mr. Harper waved for the new student to walk in.

Dayummmm...He is attractive. The things i would do to this boy...Wait..What? Ellie you have a boyfriend, Dont think that way. My mind was wondering at this point.

"Ellie..Hello? Earth to ellie" The whole class laughed as mr. Harper tried to get my attention

"Huh?" My face turning deep red as the class noticed my staring at the new student

"I would like you to show Zayn around the school. I will give you both a pass." Mr. Harper smiled at me and pointed to the new kid.

"Oh yeah...Sure Mr. Harper" I smiled back. 

I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door waiting for Zayn. Zayn walked out the door and i started to head towards the cafeteria.

"Soo new boy..Where did you come from?" I was honestly kinda suspicious, He looks so sweet but he has tattoos and lots of them.

"Uhm Bradford, How about you?" He smiled at me

"Uhm Doncaster...So basically been here my whole life, born and raised" I laughed at myself, I sound sorta pathetic.

"Cool, Wanna ditch this joint and go get some pizza?" I contempleted whiether to do it or not but after thinking really hard, i decieded why not?

"Sure, I dont have a car though" I silently cursed my mother for not letting me drive.

"Its fine, I have one. Come on lets go before someone sees" Zayn grabbed my hand and ran towards the parking lot where his car was.

We sat at the table waiting for our pizza, Zayn was cracking the stupidest jokes. I could tell her was gonna be my best friend. I absolutely loved the idea of him being my best friend.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Zayn asked with his mouth full, causing me to burst out in laughter.

"Uhm nothing why?" I suspisiouly eyed him.

"Theres a party, Wanna come?" Zayn half smiled, half laughed.

"I cant, Im not really into the party scene" I cursed myself for being such a good girl.

"Okay, Maybe ill just come over and watch a movie with you or something?" He blushed looking at his pizza.

"Yeah sure" I smiled at him

"Alright should we go?" He took money and placed it on the table.

"Yep, Could you drop me off at home?" I checked my phone and saw that i had 5 missed calls from Ashton and 3 text messages asking where i was...Of course Ashton was the person behind the text.

Zayn dropped me off at home and i noticed ashtons car in the driveway..What the? I walked in and saw ashton sitting on the couch.

"BABE! Where have you been?!" Ashton basically craddled me like a baby

"I went to get pizza, no biggy. Im not a baby Ashton" I wanted to tell him to go home but i cant be mad at him for being worried.

"With who?" Ashton crossed his arms over his chest

"Zayn, Hes new to our school" I smiled at the thought of my new best friend.

"Why were you out with another guy? And you didnt even let me know" Ashton is acting very weird.

"Hes just a friend..Calm down" I started to walk away but Ashton pulled me by my waist, giving me butterflies but making me angry at the same time.

"Well why didnt you tell me?" He whispers at me softly, giving me the chills.

"Because i knew you would act like this, I can hang out with anyone i want" I declared

"Whatever..Dont expect a ride tomorrow morning" He scoffed

"Whatever..Asshole. The door is that way. Bye." I pointed to the door and walked upstairs.

Wow i cant believe he just did that, Why is he being so jealous? Whatever. I got in my hollister shorts and a tank top and decided it was time for bed.

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