Chapter 3

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*Ellie POV*

*The night before the party*

I wasnt really sure what i was going to wear..What do you wear to parties anyways..? I searched around in my closet and finally decided i would wear this:

After i decided upon my look, I layed in bed and wondered how the night was gonna go..I dont know why i think about these things but i do. I dont want to end up in a position i dont want to be in. I fell asleep wondering how is was gonna feel to finally be at a party..Im senior in highschool and i have never been to a party, I sound so pathetic. 

*The next morning*

I woke up due to the sun in my eyes, I remembered today was the party, I hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I undressed and hopped in the shower. The water felt amazing on my skin, Chills ran up and down my body due to the warmness. When i finished with my shower, I walked over to my clothes and put them on. 

"Buzz Buzz Buzz" My phone was vibrating on my desk.

"Hello?" I answerd the phone quickly.

"Hey.." I recognized the voice on the other line, It was Ashton.

"Uhm whats wrong?" I tried to sound casual.

"I miss you.." He mumbled into the phone.

"Really? Why?" I silently aw'ed at his comment.

"Because you're my everything and I love you." I wanted to punch him for saying sweet things to me.

"I have to go.." I hung up the phone before he could answer.

I sighed in relief that i ended that quick before i started crying or something, I waited to see if he would call back but he didnt. I decided to call zayn and see if we could get something to eat before the party.

"Hey Ell" Zayn answered the phone

"Hi Zayn, Do you think we could get something to eat before the party?" I waited anxiously for his reply.

"Yeah..Of course. Ill come get you right now." He hung up before i could respond.

I went downstairs and sat on the couch getting lost in my thoughts about the people that might be at this party all i could think was that there would be slutty girls and drunk guys with their hormones raging everywhere. I heard the door open breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Ready?" Zayn smiled at me.

"Yep, Lets go" I headed towards the door.

We got to the car and Zayn turned on the radio not to loud but not to low. The song that was on was "Can we dance" By The Vamps, I nearly died. 

"ZAYN. Turn this up right now" I started to dance to the music

"Okay" Zayn smirked a bit.

"What?" I asked laughing

"Nothing" Zayn faced the road but there was still a smile on his face

 After the song ended it got extremely quiet in the car but it was a nice silence, It gave me time to think about what was to come of this so called party. All I could think about was what was gonna happen when  we get  there? 

"Zayn can you take me home?" The words stumbled out of my mouth due to how nervous I was.

"Awh come on Ellie, Can we please just go to the party?" Zayn tried to plead

"No just take me home please." I stuck my ground I was not ready for this party

"Yeah ill take you home" Zayn turned the car around and once again we were in silence.

When we arrived at my house i waved Zayn off and ran up to my room, I really wanted to call Ashton so he could come over but Im not sure if im ready to quite make up with him. I called Ashton anways and only because I missed him.

"Hello?" Ashtons amazing voice said through the phone

"Hey babe, Im sorry about earlier." I frowned at the memory of what i did to him only an hour ago

"Its okay baby, What are you doing?" I sighed in relief at his answer

"Can you come over? I miss you." I blurted out

"Yeah ill be over there in a little bit" Ashton chuckled 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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