Ladybug Rejection

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Edited: November 21, 2017

Beep beep beep beep

Marinette's alarm goes off.

"Marinette!!" calls Sabine, " Get up! You're gonna be late for school!!"

Marinette woke with a start! "Coming Mom!" she shouted as she gets dressed. "I hope I'm not late again today, Tikki." says Mari. Marinette runs downstairs to the bakery getting a croissant before heading out. Marinette is very late. As she's running to school the bell rings. Have to go faster , thought Mari as she ran. Then BAM!! She (litter-ally) ran into Adrien.

"S-sorry A-Adrien" stutters Mari as Adrien helps her to her feet

"It's okay Marinette. It was just an accident. No biggie." says Adrien with that heart melting smile. " We should get to class."

"Y-yeah. Let's g-go." stutters Mari. As Adrien walks ahead Marinette dug her nails into her arm to keep from fainting. He's sooo hot!! thought Mari as she caught up with Adrien.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~Lunch Tim~~~~~

"Adriekinnnnns!!!~" shouts an annoying brat by the name of Chloe "Give me a kiss!" she says trying to steal a kiss from Adrien.

"Not now, Chloe." said an annoyed Adrien.


Oh no an akuma! I need to find some place to transform! thought Mari and Adrien at the same time. " Uh, I need the bathroom? Yeah I need to use the bathroom! Be right back!!" says Marinette, running to the bathroom before anyone can stop her.

Strange thinks Adrien " Umm....I need to go. Bye~" he says running off.

"Alright, I'm safe. Tikki spots on/ Plagg claws out!" Mari and Adrien say at the same time.

"Why, hello m'lady~" says Chat Noir in a charming way

"Not now, Chat. We need to fight the akuma!" says Ladybug, annoyed

~~~~~time skip~~~ after fight~~~ LB and CN (of course) won~~~

"My Lady, wait!!" cries Chat as Ladybugs miraculous starts beeping. " I need to ask you something!"

"What is it Chat? Make it quick." says Ladybug, antsy

" Will you go out on a date with me?" Please say yes, please say yes!!

" Chat....I'm sorry, but I love someone else. I don't feel that way towards you... I'm sorry..." says Ladybug, swinging away with her yo-yo. (THERE!! You guys keep ripping into me about it being to cruel. Now, it's nicer. Happy???)

Chat Noir dropped to his knees. Ladybug said that. She said that. I can't believe it! Chat got up and went to Mari's house. Maybe Princess will help me. She's the only one that listens to me. thought Chat

He jumped on the balcony. 'Tap tap' Chat knocks on the window. "Hmm?" Mari opens the window to see the tear stained face of Chat, her partner, her friend. "Chat!! What's wrong?!" asked Mari, act as if she doesn't know, but she knows why.

"L-Ladybug rejected me and broke my heart. I thought maybe you could cheer me up. You're the only one that cares about me." says Chat, sounding as if he gonna cry.

"Chat.. Come in. I'll get you some croissants. Wait here." Mari says. She rushes off to get the croissants. Ten minutes later Marinette comes back with hot cocoa and cookies.

" I wasn't able to get croissants, but I got cookies."

"Thanks, Princess. You have a heart of gold."

To Be Continued

[Book 1] Chat Blanc x Marinette [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now