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There are some rules, which are common and necessary for the book club to work.

Rule #1
Follow PhotonsBookClub and add this book to your library and any public reading list so as to get regular updates. 😄

Rule #2
Once you are a part of the book club, you will be given weekly assignments which you have to complete within the deadline. For the assignments there will be groups consisting 3 - 4 persons depending on the need. Each one will have to read 2 chapters of the book of every group mate and vote and comment accordingly.

Rule #3
If you join with,  one or more books,  you will be placed in that number of groups and you will have to do your assignment accordingly. For example if you enter with 2 books,  you will be placed in two groups, say Group 1 and Group 2.  You have to read the books of the members of Group 1 and Group 2 both.

Rule #3
There will be a BOTW (Book Of The Week) chosen randomly from the books of the fellow members and apart from the weekly assignments, All members have to read, vote and comment on 2 chapters of the book. You never know which week your book gets chosen!

Rule #4 Negative Points
If you don't do your weekly job, negative points will be awarded.
For not reading each group mate's book, -15 points will be awarded. For example if you don't read books of 3 group mates, you will be given - 45 points.
For not reading BOTW, - 15 points will be given.
Once you gain - 70 points, you will no longer be the part of this book club.
Not only this, if you go completely blank for two weeks, no matter what points you have, you will be kicked from the club.

If you have any problem, you need a break, or you don't want to read a particular book, just PM me. If you don't want to read a book for some reason, you will be given 0 points but the book author in your group will also not read your book, keeping it completely fair. But this option will not be available to you more than twice in a month.

Rule #5 Positive Points
For reading each group mate's book, +10 points will be awarded. For example if you read 2 books and leave one out of a total of 3 books, you will be given +10+10-15= +5 points. And if you read all three books of your group mates, +10+10+10 = +30 points will be awarded.

For reading BOTW, +20 points will be awarded.

Once your points reach 150, the next BOTW will be yours instead of being a random one. You can chose any of your books to be BOTW. It doesn't necessarily has to be the part of the book club. But the random ones will be the part of the book club only.

#Rule 6 How to do assignments?

To complete the assignment, you will have to read 2 chapters of the book, vote on both if them and make comments. The comments can be anything. There is no limit or requirements for the length of the comments.
The content of the comments should be story related/criticism/mistakes.
The comments like 'Very nice chapter. Great writing skills, good description, etc... Are not acceptable.
The number of comments is also not fixed. You have to make sure that you make comments in such a way that author comes to know that you have read the full chapter. They can be small/long/in line/general.
I literally check the comments and read them.

Rule #7

Make sure to put #PhotonBC in starting of your comments so that when I check comments, I can easily find yours.

Rule #8

After you finish your assignment and/or with BOTW, comment as follows.

Done with (group name)
1.(author name) chapter 1 and chapter2
Done with BOTW
Chapter 6 and 7.

The rules end here. They are just for the proper functioning of the club. Feel free to ask anything in the comments section or PM me. I will try to reply as soon as possible 🙆. So if you are interested, go the the next chapter and fill the form.

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