A new Handsome Arrogant Toe Rag {Review}

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This review is for: Erkaroo

Short Summary:

Harry is in love with Ginny, but he calls him a "lazy arrogant toerag", whenever she can. He doesn't give up on her though. But on her 6th year, she realizes something that changes her whole perspective on Harry.

{Hinny and Jily crossover}

This book is really good! It has a good storyline and plot. The book is also well written, and it is noticeable that you try. But what I didn't fail to notice, is that you miss alot of commas, for example,

"Dad I'm only in first year and I am not interested" I said.

But overall this book is great! It draws me in and I can't stop reading! I'm sure to keep reading! Keep up the great work!

By: _Lily_Evans

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