The Marauders Read the Sorcerer's Stone {Review}

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This review is for Bella18161

Short Summary: It's Christmas vacation at Hogwarts and very few Gryffindors chose to stay. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Lily Evens being some of the only ones. One day, they find a mysterious book series that appears to be from the future. It tells them of their destiny and the future of their child. Join the Marauders and Lily Evens as they read Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

Review time!

I just want to say one thing before going into the review, the idea for this story is great!

Alright, so like I just said the idea is great, but there's something that can be done to make the story itself better. Assuming that everyone that is reading the fan-fiction, has read the series, I don't think you need to put every chapter of the actual harry potter book into your story. To fix this, maybe each chapter of the book the Marauders read a chapter of the HP book out loud and after that they talk about what happened. This way you're not having to copy and paste a lot of your story from an already existing story. That might take a lot out of your story, but you're writing word for word from an existing story with an exception of adding a little bit of your own writing with the Marauders' dialogue. When I'm reading your story I just feel like I'm rereading Harry Potter. Another option to fix this is to paraphrase what happens up to a dialogue interruption, the sentence that causes the interruption can be bolded as you've done with anything coming from HP&TPS.

Something that I really like about your fan-fiction is that it is a one of a kind, but I really think that something should be done about just copying and pasting of JK Rowling's work.

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