Chapter 3

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Nico di Angelo.

The boy whom has captured (Name)'s heart.

But before Leo or (Name) could react, Nico was already running away with tears streaming down his face. Now, instead of (Name)'s side of this story, why don't we go to Nico's? No? Nico's side it is, then.

As he was running, he could feel the stares everyone was giving him. But he could hardly care less. Who would blame him? After all, he did lose almost everything he cared for... And then the person he liked- no, LOVED the most have someone else, someone more important, in their life.

Although he wouldn't hold it against (Name), for two reasons. One, he could never be mad at someone so perfect like (Name). And number two, because Leo was a better choice than Nico. 'After all,' di Angelo thought, 'who would LOVE or even LIKE someone like me?'.

The son of Hades had now arrived at the front of his cabin, choked sobs escaping his lips. He then flung the door open and trudged in. A loud 'slam!' was heard when he closed the door with powerful force. Noone would hear it, anyway. When he slammed the door shut, he let his back lean on the door. Sliding down to the ground, he started to break down.

A flurry of sobs, weeps, tears, and angry screaming in Italian escaped him as he continues to wallow in depression and anger. The anger wasn't directed at anyone, but himself. He was angry at himself for not being good enough. He was angry at himself for his personality. He was angry at himself for... a lot of reasons.

But the one reason why he was so enraged with himself is because he let his emotions take over him, and because he thought he actually had a chance. That he believed he actually had a chance.... to love and to be loved.

As he was wallowing in depression and self-loathing, he heard a knocking on the door with a familiar voice say....

Another cliffhanger! Wow, that was hard to write..... .-.

Did you cry? Did you feel the feels? Well, I hope you feeled but I hope you didn't cry or anything and oH MY STARS AND GARTERS THAT WENT BY QUICKLY

..... I don't really have anything else to say, but I'll say this;


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