This Life Of Ours (Teen wolf / stydia fanfic)

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So this is officially my first chapter, its mostly about how Lydia is an anchor to Stile and what that means to him. I hope you all like it, I accept all kinds of feedback, so dont be afraid to tell me what you think!
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf. Or Anchor by Mindy Gledhill.



Someone who keeps you grounded, keeps you from crashing into insanity and completely losing your mind. Well, technically its a big metal thing that keeps a ship in place, but you get the point. This is the story of how Lydia became my anchor.


*knock knock*

"Come in!" I said from my spot at my desk. I look up to see a certain strawberry blonde walk through my door.

"Stiles, its 7:30 am on a Saturday! What are you doing already up and working? What time did you even wake up?" She asked.

"Uh yeah no I didn't exactly go bed, so there was no way for me to wake up if I cant even sleep in the first place." I reply casually while turning back to my laptop.

"Stiles,  when was the last time you slept?"

"37 hours ago, why?"

"Come here we're taking a nap!" She said while taking off her shoes and getting comfortable in my bed. Now I must admit, the thought of laying next to Lydia in my bed was a dream come true, but the thought of closing my eyes not knowing what kind of things would creep up on me this time scared me. No matter how much I wanted to take up her offer, it took everything in me not to.

"I can't." I say in a shaky voice.

"Please Stiles." Those two words and my resolve slipped. I get up from my chair and walk towards her to lay down, carefull to keep my hands to myself. "

"What are you so afraid of?" She asked in a soft voice.

"That I'll wake up and this will all be just a dream." I say in a whisper.

"It's not a dream Stiles, just close your eyes and I'll be right here."

I close my eyes and only five minutes later the flashes start. Blood. Bodies. A scream. A blinding bright like that keeps getting farther and farther away. And finally darkness.

I sit up with tears running down my face and out of breath. My head spinning from sitting up too fast. A constant beep fills my ears.

"Stiles! Stiles!" I can hear Lydia's voice getting closer as my vision clears and the beeping stops. "Stiles!"

"What happened?" I ask curiously.

"You were out for about half an hour. Then you kept telling yourself to wake up, and tried but you wouldn't budge." She explained. My breathing started getting heavier as the memory of what happened in my nightmare started coming back to me. "Stiles, what's wrong? Is this another panic attack?! Oh god, Stiles just breath ok deep breaths just..." And for the second time in my life she kissed me, knocking the wind out of me in the process. Hers lips lingered for a second or more longer than needed, but honestly I didn't care cause come on this is Lydia we're talking about. After her lips left mine I layed my head on her lap suddenly exhausted.

"Will you sing to me?" I whispered.

"I uh- I dont... sure." She said.

"When all the world is spinning 'round
Like a red balloon way up in the clouds
And my feet will not stay on the ground
You anchor me back down

I am nearly world renowned
As a restless soul who always skips town
But I look for you to come around
And anchor me back down"


"Yes Stiles?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being my anchor." I said softly before I fell into the most peaceful sleep I've had in weeks.


Well thats it! I must im pretty proud of it. So like I said before feedback is welcome, I'd love to hear what you guys think. Also I'd love if you would send me a one to three word prompt of anythink of it'd really give me some inspiration. 
Thanks you.

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