
19 2 1


im fucked

exams are coming up and didnt do half of ms. bermiso's projects

do i consult therese???

psh no

updates on the people i hate

johann: an asshole as always

mr. fursona: a fucking smartass as always

can i just kill him and consume his intelligence thanks


macky and co. : hoe

therese: oh where do i begin

we hardly have been talking to each other

her passion for god pisses me off

she just


like ok one time in 5th grade i showed her a pen tapping thing now she keeps doing it now the whole class is doing it and now the whole batch is doing it and now everyone thinks she started it????

hoe didnt even say anything like "oh zoe started it actually" fhdgxvdgx

anyway i should be studying rn


im just reading ereri djs bc im a fucking 13 year old

and this is prolly the last time ill be able to update here since ill be killed by my own parents bc i did badly on my exams


only one part left

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