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A gentle breeze blows through the cemetery, as I stay still on the cool the January morning as the wind blows a couple strands of my hair in my face. I feel a drop of water fall against my cheek but I keep my head bowed kneeling in the grass. I hear distant footsteps and the sounds of someone crying in the distance but still I stay still, quiet.

 " Happy Birthday" I murmur quietly blinking back tears. More drops of water plop around me " I thought I asked you to stay home" I whisper quietly finally lifting my head up to look at the gravestone that belongs to the one man I love most; my Father. "I got worried", Jack says back "No one should be alone like this anyway." He replies. With those words the tears I've been holding back all morning fall down my cheeks mixing and mingling with the rain. I feel my brother put his hand on my shoulder. "Come on, let's go home". With those given words I take the bouquet of flowers from Jack's hand and place them next to dad's grave stone. With a final goodbye I stand and walk away never looking back.

Bright lights and brakes screeching, jerking forward I feel agonizing pain coursing through my body with the sudden sounding glass shattering and the crunch of metal, as everything goes black... I hear this Quiet voice say, "It's okay Mariana... You can let go, I'm here with you."

I gasp, my eyes fluttering open before stumbling out of bed breathing hard. I look around my room, my eyes blurry, a pounding ache starting in my temple. Slowly the adrenaline dissipates. As my breathing goes back to normal I reach up brushing my fingertips along the scar that starts from my upper right temple and traces down to my jaw. I slowly climb back into bed and just lie there too scared to go back to sleep... 

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