A: Alice

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Alice was a quiet girl with Black hair and blazing blue eyes. Her skin was quite pale and she has a scar across her arm. She remembered the start of the apocalypse because it was only a week ago. The streets were filled with zombies, her only chance of living was if she stayed in her apartment finding a weapon of some sort.

Her brother was already dead, he died during the beginning of the apocalypse, bitten by his own girlfriend, she only knew because she saw him get bit.

When she saw him get bit, she ran because she had no weapons and couldn't bare the thought of killing her brother, even if he was a zombie.

Alice knew her chances of living where slim because she lived in a small town.

Alive but close to death , Alice knew she wouldn't survive the whole apocalypse.

So as she grabbed a lighter from the kitchen, she looked at the picture of her brother Paul, on the mantle place.

She grabbed it and unlocked the door, ready to face the horde of zombies, holding only a picture of her brother and a small kitchen knife.

She was attacked the minute she left the door by a disfigured person, she realized what a stupid mistake she made, as she was bit.

She screeched in pain and agony, falling to the ground a withering mess, her picture still in hand.

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