Killed It

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POV Alana.

Walking into the club where Bo is set to perform I smiled at the grand piano sat in the middle of the stage. He brought a black book but not the one he writes everything down in. It was weird especially considering all the pages are blank. As we sat waiting for him to go up on stage I noticed the way he bounced his leg anxiously tapping his fingers against his thigh. He stared horrified up at the grand piano his eyes flickering around the crowed of people every so often. I don't know how to comfort him in a situation like this but my first though was to just be close to him.

"Hey stop that." I hummed leaning my head against his shoulder as I intertwined our fingers. He looked down at me swallowing roughly before his eyes snapping back to the stage.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said his words rushed as he faked innocence.

"This." I said placing my hand on the leg he'd been bouncing for the past ten minutes straight. It slowed to a stop resting for the first time since we left the house. He took a deep breath slowly letting it out. "You'll do great. If you get nervous just look at me okay?" I don't know if that will help but here's to hoping. He turned his head to look down at me a wide smile pulling at his lips.

"Thanks." He said softly before kissing the tip of my nose. A smile pulled at my lips as pride and relief washing over me. He seems to think what I said helps and that's all that matters.

"No problem." When the person playing the piano stood up taking a bow the room erupted with applause. A man stood on stage and introduced Bo before taking a step back giving him the stage. Bo glanced back at me one last time before taking his black book up to the stage.

"H-hi... uh hey. Thank you so much what an honor." He said as he readjusted the microphone to his hight the crowed applauding. "My uh my girlfriend had this really weird fetish where she would dress up as herself and act like a raging bitch all the time." He said his voice a few octaves higher than usual as he rolled his eyes. I burst out laughing along with many others covering my mouth as I snorted unattractively. What a way to open a show. He went on tell small fast pace jokes.

"Some people complain about my show's they say I'm to theatrical or to flamboyant and that makes me SO angry." He said as he dug into his pocket throwing a handful of confetti over his head dramatically. I snickered as one piece of confetti in particular stuck on the bridge of his nose shimmering in the lighting every time he turned his head slightly.

"Your mamas so fat your mamas so ugly your mamas so stupid!" He shouted in a sassily as he whipped his hair around dramatically swinging his hip. "Your mothers breasts sag with such suavity that I mistook them for clocks." He said stilling his body and adopting a slight posh accent as he spoke into the mic. Again people were caught in a fit of giggles. He was like a whole different person when he was up there. In real life he's kind of introverted and timid especially in large crowds like this but he almost seems at home on stage. Aside from the way he shifted uneasily and shoved his hands in his pockets nervously hiking his shoulders up.

"We've done a lot of laughing which I can't thank you enough for. But what we haven't done tonight is a lot of thinking." He said his blank book now coming into play as he set up a stool and triangle readjusting his mic. He opened the book and read off a few (high-coos). "those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!" He shouted pausing for a second. "Or masturbate in the daytime!" My eyes widened at the unexpected outburst as I doubled over with laughter. "The pages are blank I know this. Why am I lying to you?" He showed the blank pages flipping through a few before placing the book open to a blank page atop his head.

"And finally. For 15 cents a day you can feed an African... they eat penny's." He said as he hit the triangle the crowed applauding as he stood up moving the stool and triangle.

"Thank your guys. I believe in the zodiac. I'm a Leo I loved Inception. A little bit morbidly ironic my grandmother was a cancer and she was actually killed... by a giant crab." He turned to the crowed a deep frown on his face. Again the room erupted with laughter. He sat on the piano bench transitioning to his song Ironic playing Oh Bo shortly after. I was in genuine pain from laughing so long tears in my eyes. It was hilarious how 'Bo' these songs are if that makes since. When he was finished and finally stepped of stage the crowed and I especially applauding he took his set next to me. I turned to him smiling ear to ear from both his performance and pride.

"That was amazing." I said pulling him into a hug. He was so tense as he chocked out a laugh hesitating a moment before he wrapped his arms around me.

"Yeah?" I frowned at the hint of disbelief in his tone. Doesn't he think he completely killed it up there?

"Absolutely." I reassured my arms tightening around him. He relaxed slightly leaning against me.


A/N: sorry about the wait. Also this and the next chapters aren't edited >.>

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