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A typical autumn day, which basically consisted of me sitting out on the porch and studying for another test I knew my mom would throw at me. Sometimes I'd just sit and watch the day go by, but that was about as radical as my plans were. 

I'll never forget the one fateful day it seemed my world was shook. 

It started out the same as always. I ate my breakfast alone, then went outside to sip my coffee and watch as the sun made its lazy processional across the sky. What I wasn't expecting was my mom to come home mid-morning with a stupidly-big grin across her face. She stood in stark contrast to the bright day with her dark scrubs and dark hair.

"What?" I said, setting down my mug. "Why are you home so early? And why are you so happy? Did you meet someone?"

"To answer your questions, I'm home early because I got a new job," she said, her grin never once faltering. 

I pressed my lips together before daring to ask my next burning question, "Where is it?" That was when her face fell, but ever so slightly that I wouldn't have caught it lest I been looking.

"Bell-view, Collands," she said, trying all to hard to be cheery. I just stared at her until I could tell her smile was forced.

"That's halfway across the country," I stated blandly. "I have to finish school, I-"

"I know." She took a breath. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I have to take it. Besides, I can get you a job there in a few years. Please just give it a chance, okay?" I nodded begrudgingly, already imagining all the worst possible scenarios. 

I packed for a week and then we were off. I began homeschooling and mom worked tirelessly day and night. It all had me wondering if this had been the right thing to do. We may have been in the nations capital, but I couldn't force myself to believe that this had been the right thing for us to do. If Dad were still here, I don't think he'd approve of us moving this far just for mom to get a job that wasn't paying her a penny more than her job she left. Oh why did we have to leave so suddenly?

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