Chapter 2

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"Today's gonna be a slow day, and I need you at the front desk,"  Mom said as she unlocked the front door of the office. The door groaned as she opened it, which I had only just grown used to. 

"Yes ma'am." I took my seat as Mom smiled and went back into her office. Just as I sat down the phone began to ring. It was such a rare sound that it took me by surprise. I hesitantly picked up the line and pressed it against my ear. 

"Dr. Mayers office this is Willow speaking how may I help you?" I recited. I couldn't remember the last time someone had called; the words felt foreign in my mouth. 

"Willow Mayers speaking, correct?" The person on the other line asked. 


"This is the Royal Palace medical wing." I froze in my seat, replaying what the mystery person just told me. Why would they be calling? Unless they could shut us down, they had absolutely no reason to be contacting us. Unless Queen Abigail was no longer needing our services...

"How can I help you?" I tried to sound calm and collected, but I was only getting more nervous by the second.

"We want you to be on our staff," the voice said. "Oh, dear me, I never introduced myself, did I? I'm Dr. Whitetower, head of the medics here in the palace. A special request has come from high up in the government for you to join us."

High up in the government? John?

"Um, I'd be honored," I started, "but I'm not even fully licensed yet, I have a year left of classes before I can even consider practicing."

"We will give you the highest education possible," Dr. Whitetower quickly responded. "We want you here, Willow. Please consider our offer and give us your response by tomorrow at the latest. Will that work for you?"

"Yeah," I said quietly. "Yes, I'll think about it." 

"Wonderful." I could hear the smile in her voice. "Goodbye, Ms. Mayer." 

Without a response, I placed the phone back in the dock. Just as I was about to bang my head against the desk, my mother walked out.

"Who was on the phone?" she asked, leaning against the countertop. "Was it a new client? Or just a spam call?"

"It was the royal palace." My voice came out as barely a whisper.

"Speak up, sweetie, I can't hear you."

"The royal palace wants me to be on the medical staff," I said, louder this time. Mom just looked at me, her eyes growing bigger with each passing second. I was waiting for the moment when she'd start either screaming or crying or both. 

"They want you?" I nodded. "My little girl? To be on the palace medical staff?" She stared at me in disbelief, but she ultimately looked... happy.

"Yes ma'am," I said, swallowing a lump in my throat. "Should I-"

"Yes you should go are you crazy!" My mom exploded. "How could you say no? The experience you'll get, and the education! Oh, Willow! Even though I'll miss you so much, you have to!"

"What do you mean, miss me so much?" I asked. "I'll still come home everyday and be with you." Her silence alarmed me. "Right?" 

She only shook her head slowly. "All palace staff are required by the monarchy to live on the grounds of the palace. You'd be living with the royals. Well, not exactly with them, but in the same building."

"So I'd be leaving you?" I stared at her, a concerned look now growing across my face. "I can't leave you! Mom!"

"Please," she said simply. "Sleep on it tonight, but just know that I really want you to take this opportunity and run with it. I'll talk with you later." She disappeared back into her office and I fell back into my chair. This was absolutely insane, how could I, of all people, be picked to be on the medical staff at the palace? 

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