18 • so excited

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group chat: 🔥🔥🔥
(clairebear, Jughead Jones 👑, Pickle Sprout, Keneti James Fitzgerald Apa 👀, loml Lili, CamiLove 😘, Mads 🍒)

Keneti James Fitzgerald Apa 👀:
Are we all in the same city tonight???

Pickle Sprout:
I... think so????

Mads 🍒:
Seems that way!


we SO need to party. this might be the first time ever we're all together at the same time.

Keneti James Fitzgerald Apa 👀:
You read my mind!

loml Lili:
I volunteer my place! Big, clean, lots of empty beds for irresponsible idiots to pass out in.

Jughead Jones 👑:
Sounds perfect seeing as we're all irresponsible idiots.


CamiLove 😘:
Yes! So excited about this!

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