Twelfth question

155 4 26

Jeff: Hey fabulous ppl Asshole2 says:
Hm...I dare everybody to be... locket in a closet with their crush *le says that with a straight face*
I'm not going into any closet today!

Masky and Hoodie: we don't have crushes...
Danika: yeah ya don't *sarcasm*
Masky and Hoodie: ???
Danika: U 2 Luv each otherrrr *pushes them in the closet*
Masky and Hoodie: *dont have time to react because they were in shock*

~small time skip~,
Jeff: *has his ear on the door* I think they're kissing...
Danika: don't be stupid why would the- *hears them through the door* yup they're kissing alright...
Masky and Hoodie: can we come our it's been 7 min
BEN: Asshole2 never said 7 min she/he just said locked in a closet so yeah you'll be there for a while
Danika, Jeff and BEN: *smirk at each other*

~7 hour time skip~
Danika: *lets them out*
Masky and Hoodie: *run around screaming* FREEEDOOOOOMMM BABYYYYYYYYY
BEN: So what now? Who do I go with?
Jeff: BENIKA GO WITH HER FOR BENIKA!! (This is legit my ship name all of my friends says it)
BEN: fine...
*the two walk into the closet*

~inside the closet~
Danika: you bring anything?
BEN: ...nope
Danika: hehe *brings out 2x 3DS, Pokemon Sun and Moon, Lots of food and other random junk*
BEN: Omg I love you!!!!! *hugs her*
Danika: ...
BEN: *realizes what he said* I-I-I didn't mea-
Jeff: *has his ear against the door and cuts BEN off* I SHIP IT LIKE FED-X!!!
Danika: What's fed-x???
Jeff: *gasps and pretends to walk away but is secretly still at the door*

~Time skip brought to you by Jeff letting them out with both of them saying a quick "meh" in unison while walking to a room with gamez~ (expect a lot of unison cause I have a fascination with that word)

Jeff: who now?
BEN and Danika: *yell in unison* NexinArtRandom2 AND TOBSTER!!!!! (Toby)
Those two^^: -_-
BEN and Danika: *wink IN UNISON at Nexin and Toby*
Jeff: don't ruin my fun *pushes the two in the closet*

~Let's just say the two walked out blushing when the seven mi- *clears throat* hours ran out~

Danika: *pulls a bored expression* what now?
Jeff: oh yeah what about me~
Danika: you can go with Nina~ *smirks at Jeff*
Nina: SENPAIIIIIIIIII ALL I WANTED IS FOR YOU TO LOOOOOOOOVE MEEEEE! (If you get that reference have a cupcake *gives cupcakes out*)

~Jeff and Nina walk out with Jeff panting and Nina looking pretty satisfied~

Jeff: I'm traumatized *pulls an expression too shocked to explain*
Danika: omg lol are those hickeys? (Hickeys are basically marks on your neck or something that a lover or.... Nina in this case has left behind from chewing on his neck... don't ask how I know this.... I learnt from a video k?)
Jeff: don't remind me ugh *shivers*
Danika: well that's all for today cause Jeff is too traumatized to continue 0-0 welp... BUH bye!

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