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Eighteen-year old Orianna knows nothing about love. She had the looks and the wits, basically almost everything that a guy could ever ask for. If she liked a guy, she had the hundred percent chance to get her dreams come true. But even so, her standards were just too high, and other men are afraid to make a move on her.

They know that her father is watching.

The young adult was now confused. From what she learned from her peers, school, and the form of medias that she saw, deciding to create a family is a decision that is supposed to be well-thought. It was composed of having to accept the huge responsibility of being a parent, bearing with the pain, and only until death that they will truly fall apart.

As green as she is thinking right now, Orianna did not hesitate to ask. "If you didn't love her, why am I alive right now?"

Chuuya did not even buffer in order to comprehend what she wanted to say. His face flushed in a red hue, knowing that the answer to it was quite sensitive. "W-What the hell is that question? O-Of course I had to do it, or her parents would kill me!"

Orianna felt her cheeks heat up as well, but not to the same extent as her father. She couldn't imagine how painful was it for Chuuya to force that love making session just to reach the satisfaction of her mother. But enough of that, she was more curious of the part wherein her grandparents would kill him if he doesn't do it.

"Hey, Ori," her father called again once he felt that the embarrassment had died down a little. "I wouldn't be picky on who you'd choose, but just don't agree to any fixed or forced marriage, okay?"

"So you never really had feelings for her?"

Chuuya nodded to confirm the affirmative. "Her parents found out that she liked me, and they know I'm rich. She was nice at first, until came the point that you were almost born that she showed her true colors."

Orianna understood deeper and better behind her father's random tantrum throws, getting drunk almost every single night, and making wine his substitution for water. She had a hunch from the beginning that something must be wrong, but she didn't like the idea of assuming neither overthinking of something that does not exist.

"Also," Chuuya continued since his daughter didn't have any response to the first thing that he said. "The only reason why I agreed to it was because I thought it would help me to move on from my unrequited love."

Unrequited and love combined and used in one context? She heard the term a lot of times from her age group, but never really thought that the older generation experienced it as well.

Or should it be clearer, that Nakahara Chuuya -- a short yet hot singer whom fangirls are obsessing about, was not loved by the woman of his dreams. How could someone reject such a person like him? He was basically the man that a woman could ever ask for.

Until she remembered that conversation wherein Orianna got curious about the origin of her name;

"Sakagami Orianna -- I named you after the artist."

"Do I even deserve a name as beautiful as hers? Why out of all names, though?"

"Well... let's just say that I really admired her, to the extent that I actually felt embarrassed to let her know."

And with that, the truth finally came out in just a blink of an eye. Sakagami Orianna was Nakahara Chuuya's unrequited love. He thought that if he dated a different girl that he would be able to get over it, but that theory was wrong. Not only that it was the worst decision that he ever made, but the fact that Sakagami died in The 0619 tragedy made him feel worse than worst.

Reticent | Nakahara Chūya; AU [✔]Where stories live. Discover now