The beginning

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Sarah's Pov.

I stood there staring at him from across the table.His long dark silky hair pressing against his chest just turned me on,I needed more i wanted more but he wasn't mine.

Jason maliouna,the hottest  jock in our school.All girls threw themselves at him but i was the only girl who kept her distance.I knew i needed him.

Damn i mean I......I
After his football practice Jason and his mates John  and Terry  were running around the field with thier shirts off.

My friend Madison had called me and asked me to go with her to a party by Jason's place.😮OMG!!!!!!
I asked her how she got invited and she said Terry,the second hottest jock in our school had asked her out.

I felt so jealous but i knew she really liked the guy.


《Hey guys if you really like the beginning  my book please comment and leave a vote😁thank you》

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