The Base.

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I awoke to the sound of two people arguing. As I sat up I looked around the room I was in. The one remember being called Matt, was standing next to a window with a black trench coat on. The other was a girl with shoulder length blonde hair. I couldn't make out what she was wearing due to the fact that my eye sight was blurring and fast. I sat up and looked down at my arms. I saw bandages. Although they weren't normal bandages. They were black. 'Huh?" I asked after I saw the bandages. Matt said to me "You're welcome dude." As my vision started to come back to me I noticed that he had red eyes. "Why are these black?" I asked him. "It's because I'm a shadow god. I can make anything out of shadows." He had said. "My shadow bandages can heal 3 times as fast as normal bandages." He kept saying. Continuing he said "So anyway the girl over there. Her name is Savannah." He told me. "Hey hows it going?" She asked. "It's going fine, but how long have I been asleep?" I asked them. They both looked at me and said in unison. "3 weeks." I just sat there confused. "WAIT!!" I quickly said. "Wheres my brother?!?. What happened to him?" I saw the sadness in there eyes. "He.....He's dead. I'm sorry" Matt had said. "Who did it?!" I said with anger in my voice. They both kept silent. "I SAID WHO DID IT!!!" As I said that, all the curtains in the room caught fire. I jumped back in surprise. Savannah and Matt didn't seem surprised at all. Matt just waved his hand and then the fire disappeared. 

"We'll tell you. Just come with us." Savannah said. I got up and went with them. "Welcome to the base." Matt told me. We came out of a hallway onto a balcony with the overview of a massive library. The place was at least as big as Grand central station. It had blue lights coming down from the ceiling out of a skylight. The book shelves had at least 50 shelves each, and every single one of them were crammed full of books.  I stood there in amazement. "This place is amazing!" I said with excitement. "It is a sight to behold isn't?" Matt asked. "Yeah it is" I replied. "Ok lets continue on." Savannah had said. "Where are we going?" I asked. "We're going downstairs so you can meet the rest of the group and so you can start your training." Matt told me. "Wait wait wait. What training?"  I asked confused. "You're an element god." Savannah had told me. I asked them "Whats an element god?" Matt answered quickly. "Its a person that can control all the elements. Ranging from electricity to darkness." I stood there in shock. "Wait I can control electricity? That's awesome!"  "I know right." Matt said with a crooked smile. Then I asked a question. "If I have powers, then do you guys have powers?" Savannah replied first. "Yes we do. I can control water. Matt can control darkness." I thought for a second. "How do you control darkness?" I asked Matt. "Like this." he replied. 

He lifted up his arms and all of a sudden everything went black. This wasn't a normal darkness though. It seemed darker, and more dangerous. I dropped down to my knees and started to freak out. I coulnd't see and I couldn't think. Then it all disaperaed. I got up and looked around. Everything was back to normal. "Woah. That was awesome." I said still a little frightend. " Thats not even all my full power." Matt said with a wicked smile. "Guys we need to go now." Savannah said. "Alright lets go." Matt said with panic in his voice. We walked down some stairs to our left and went to the base floor of the library. When we got there we had four people waiting for us. The one infront was the one I remember being called Cynthia or Cyn for short. She had long brown hair down to the middle of her back, and she had deep red eyes. When we got up to her she said "Looks like you're finally awake Austin." I stood there in surprise. How did she know my name? "Hey how do you know my name?" I asked quickly. She replied just as fast. "You talk in your sleep." I just stood there with a blank look on my face. "Time for you to meet the rest of the group." She continued. "The one in the dark red is Kat." I looked over at Kat. She had a long blood red trench coat on with a black undershirt and black pants. Her hair was a light red that came down to her shoulders. " The one in dark blue is Nathaniel." Nathaniel had short brown hair with glasses. He had a short blue jacket that came only half way up his torso. Under that he had a dark blue t-shirt, with blue jeans. " The last one over there is Cherokee." Cherokee had on a the same exact outfit on as Matt did. Her hair was black and came down to the middle of her back. "Okay so thats all of us. Time to start your training." Cynthia had said.

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