Element god reborn.

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I woke up to the sound of my mom yelling my name. "Austin!" she had yelled. "Wake up its time for school!" she kept yelling. "I'm up mom!" I yelled back. When I got up I threw on some clothes randomly. After that I walked into the kitchen where my mom was making breakfeast. "Morning." she had said. "Sup?" I replied. "Makin your breakfeast, now get some plates and and help yourself." I did as I was told and got my plate, put some eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon on it. After I was done eating I had to leave to catch my bus. "Alright mom i'm leaving love you." I had said. "Alright love you too sweetie. Have a great day at school." she told me as I walked out the door. 

My bus stop was only 5 minutes away, but I walked slower to make the time go by as slow as possible. The reason for this was unkown to me, but when I got there the bus was early which I thought was kind of odd. I got on the bus, and sat down in my usual seat and just listened to music. When I got to school it was a usual day. Boring. Super boring. My classes went by in a blur. It was about 5th hour when the worst thing ever happened. There was a booming voice coming from outside. "AUSTIN!" the voice had said. "YOUR FAMILY IS DEAD!" the voice kept going. At this moment I was in shock. "COME OUTSIDE IF YOU WANT YOUR BROTHER TO LIVE!" After that was said I was wondering which one. At this point it didn't matter anyways. I was going to save my brothers at any cost. 

When I got outside I saw this shadow like figure floating in midair. In its hands was my brother Levi. "LET HIM GO NOW!!!!" I had yelled at the thing. It just chuckled at me. "Hehehehehe." "They told me that you were the legendary element god, but now I can see they just lied to me." After that it snapped my brothers neck. I stood there shocked. As my brother fell I just stood there paralyzed. "LEVI!!!!!!!" I yelled as I ran towards his body. When I got to him it was over. There was no hope of bringing him back. "Levi please don't go." I said as I started to cry. "Please come back to me." I say as I craddle his body. At that moment I lost control of myself. I started to yell. "AHHHHHH!!!!!" As I yelled lava erupted in columns all around me. Earthquakes shoke buildings down. A hurricane appered out of not where. The figure stood there suprised saying "I guess they were right." "Now when you have your powers in check, come find me and you can have your revenge." He said as he dissapered. As soon as he left I fell on my back with these odd people staring down at me. "It looks like the element god is reborn Cyn." said a guy with shoulder length black hair and red eyes. " You're right Matt." The one named Cyn had said. " Lets get him back to base." she continued. After they picked me up I had lost consciousness. 

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