Lashton*he hurts you* ;)

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"WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN FOR A CHANGE,LUKE!".You and Luke were in a fight about how he thinks I kissed a dude on purpose. Yes it sounds weird like how do you not mean to kiss a person.Well this idiotic dude threw himself at me and Luke saw."NO , YOU NEED TO LEARN THAT YOU CAT JUST KISS SOME DUDE UNLESS IT IS ME!!!!"Luke shouted back at you while pressing you against the wall."stop..please Luke your" you say as his grip got tighter."no now SHUT UP!" Replied while slapping you. He let go when he realised what he did as you slid down the wall crying."I'm so sorry,(y/n) i don't know what it into me" he said with sadness in his eyes."thats why you need to just let me explain what happened." You say while taking his hand going to the couch."thus idiot pushed himself on me Luke I swear I didn't kiss him."."ok I Believe you just don't ever forget , I love you (y/n)". "I love you to Luke". then you just kissed and then it got heated and well you know what happened after that.


"Are you ready?" Ashton says waiting for you to answer.(you know what is going on ;) ).you shake your head as he enters you ."AHH" you scream in pain when he enters you fully."I'm so sorry do you want me to move or get out and quit?" he asked worriedly . "let's call it quits for tonight I'm in really bad pain this is my first time you know" you reply to his question."yea but next time let's go slower" he says while slowly pulling out of you . "ugh shhhhh this hurts" you say. "you know you can cuss right" he says chuckling a little "shut it Irwin I'm hurting right now!."

*next day*

"Hey,princess ready to get up" Ashton says while kissing your nose softly."yep" you say while getting out of bed."AHHH" you say while falling down. "what's wrong princess?!?"Ashton says worryingly "well remember last night? yea I can't do anything but lay down today" you say back to him.He just smirks and picks you up bridal style while carrying you to the bed."well then your always my princess but today I get to treat more like the queen" he says. With a huge grin on him."fine only today but when your sick I'm treating you like my king" you reply back. the rest of that day you cuddled into his chest and he took care of you truly like a queen.

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