Chapter 1: I'm No Brittany Bitch

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Chapter 1: I'm No Brittany Bitch

Lavinia's POV - 

This isn't going to be a story where I say that I'm a girl called Brittany Smith or any of that crap because that's for preppy princess's I guess.

Well, to sum me up; If you hate me I hate you more, If you love me ... stop bum licking me you know I hate you too.

This isn't one of those things where I run into a celebrity and Instantly fall in love with them because love is a rumour made by people being fooled to believe they are in it..but it's all an illusion uncovered for me I guess.

My parents never loved eachother so I never understood love from when I was set on this earth; to be quit honest I'm not sure why people have obsessive dreams to catch 'the man of their dreams' because men are not dreams so people should not descriminate them against one.

I have no friends because they never stick around to hear me say my name.

Let's put it this way; word gets around about you, whether it's good or bad people are gonna speak... gonna judge I guess ? but you can't control it, just learn to adapt to it.

For my education you may wonder, well I go but I sit in the school field for most of it because I believe that place is like a addiction, a medicine that cures all sickness and sadness for me.

There is nobody there to judge you, nobody there to talk about you.

Just you and the open sky.

The best feeling in the world, sitting feeling the wet grass blades press against your uniform soon to make it appear with dirt from the earths surface.

The thing about it; it reminds you that some perfections are worth running for, suffering for and it reminds you that you are one of them. 

That you are human, not just a name that is spread through halls like it's a desease.

Like I'm a desease...

I know I come off as a bad girl, I just have a bad way of showing my emotions I guess ?

But I can't change that because if I do then what will people think, they have nothing else to think so my name would be a confusion of bad + unknown good that hasn't been proven.

I'm not brave enough; I may be brave enough to punch someone infront of a crowd of people, but not enough to speak the thoughts that will lay dawment in my mind at night before I sleep.

I can't change even if I try... even if I wanted to.

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