Chapter One

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My heart starts to skip a beat as I exit my car, slowly making my way toward the school. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to stop myself from being nervous, or slow down my rapidly beating heart.

I don't know why I'm so scared. Sure it's my first day of school here, but Iv'e changed school several times before. But it seems like this one. Is different.

I finally reach the front doors of the school. I move my hand from my sides to the door handle, but I can't get myself to open it.

I'm so glad I decided to come early, before anyone else got here. Or it would have been extremely awkward.

I reluctantly started to turn the handle, but I quickly removed my hand. I can't do it. But before I could do anything else, I heard some sort of snort, coming from behind me.

"Need some help" I hear the person say.

I quickly turn around and find myself face-to-face with the most gorgeous looking boy I have ever seen in my life.

With his soft looking dark brown hair that is slightly combed back. His beautiful full lips that are curled up into a smile, flashing his perfect white teeth. His bright chiseled face, that has the sweetest dimples.

He wears a tight blue shirt that makes it clear that he has a six pack. My eyes began to travel lower until I realized that I was totally checking him out! I immediately returned my eyes to his face. Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing. I hope he didn't notice.

My eyes were locked to the boy's piercing emerald green eyes that seemed to be checking me out as well. My cheeks flushed red, but I just smirk at him.

He finally realizes that I caught him, and he gives me an awkward smile.

"Who are you?" I demand "what are you doing here so early," I frown.

"Well, I go to school here" he replies. "is it illegal to come here early?"

"Oh right, sorry," I apologize "Uh, hi."

"Hey babe," he says "the name's Ryan" he winks at me.

Oh great, just what I need. Another player.

I roll my eyes at him "Megan" I tell him. But just to be polite.

Ryan leans against the brick wall beside the door. "Cool name" he says. "So Megan, tell me about yourself. Do you have a boyfriend?" he smirks

"No" I scoff "listen, I don't have time to play your silly little games. I go to school to learn, not to get bothered by some player like you."

He puts his hands on his heart making one of those 'fake hurt' expressions.

"An attitude" he laughs "I like it"

"Whatever" I retort. I swiftly open the door and enter the school, hoping to avoid him. I start making my way to the office to get my schedule . I get to the end of the hallway, but I don't see any office.

"It's over here, genius," I hear Ryan say.

I turn around to see him pointing his finger at a door.

"I knew that," I declared "I just got... distracted, that's all."

"Yeah sure, whatever you say," he chuckles.

He opens the door for me and I enter the office. Ryan comes in after me and shuts the door.

I find myself in a pitch black room. I can't see anything.

"What's going on?" I demand "why can't I see anything? This isn't funny you know!"

I stay pretty calm but I'm still mad at Ryan. I hear the door lock.

I have no idea what he's trying to do. But whatever it is, it's not going to work.

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