1. Forced to leave

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Hi Im Mia and it am a mermaid but not just any mermaid I am a mermaid who tries to live with people because my family have always been the ones to representives for the mermaids and so that means that we have to live  with the humans but ko one must know who we are only a handful of human know our little secret so we need to keep it that way so that means staying away from anything liquidy which is really hard considering we always have to live near water or else we will be in big trouble if we stay out of the ocean to long we can only go SO long with baths and our secret inside pool but after awhile us and our powers start to get weak lets just say we will be "fish out of water "so we cant live far and that means if my "friends" want to go to the beach or something I have to be sick but that isn't usaully a problem because I DONT usually have friends unless in a very rare occautions that there are other mermaids but that only happened twice ever do that so it is highly unlikely to happen so I just to thought school one day at a time counting down from the beganning to the end of the day till I can go back to my house and go and curl up with my brothers and watch new housewife of Alantas or till our secret gets out and we have to move because of this fact we don't usually unpack all the way except for me I am a quick pack so I can unpack and make it feel like home for that little time we are here but right now we are in little lake but it have this feeling that we are not going to be here much longer call it "mover intuition"
                              7: 00
"Mia wake up or you are going to be late"
I wake up still reminiscing my dream of me free in the ocean with my old friends and my old life again every time I have that dream I always wake up in a daze and for a split second I forget my real current life
I slip out of bed and i can already hear the ruckus that comes with having 4 brothers arguing and the rough housing oh welcome to my life as a "brother surviver " so few survive but anyway I can hear the boys arguing about the bathroom and when i do i step out of my room and do a little dance till they notice and give my a icey stare and then spin back into my room being the one of the two only girls in a house of  5 boys have it perks having a bathroom all to myself ❤️❤️that is one of the things my mom insisted on me having everytime we move so I can get ready in privite and i swear if I DIDNT I would go insane having to go through all the boys when it am 5' 5 and they are way taller and stronger then me so I would just be overed power  except for my little advantage😏😏my powers yes all merfolk have powers but only very special individuals get more then 2 powers and powers are often same in families like every mermaid and merman has (1) power over water and then another power like mind reading, wind, teleporting or moving objects (whatever that is called watch it will come to me when i am doing something else it always does) but very few have more then 2 powers and I am one of those luck few. I have power over water, singing (I can get most people to all inlove with me it I sing you know siren thing)and that other think it can name where you can move objects Yeah so I guess you can call me the "gifted " that is what all the merfolk who DONT know me call me I HATE IT but it deal anyway Yeah so I am "special" with this powers and they do come in hand with 4 brothers well I am guessing you want to know who my brothers are well it will list them in order well there is Dunkan he is 18, Alex he is 17 then there is Max and me we are 16 and then last there is Kayden the is the littlest at 15 Yeah my parents have there hands full with all of us which in different ways oh wait I forgot my and Maxs connection we can hear eachothers thoughts it we let eachother and we eachothers minds the is the one I am closest to but it am close to all my brothers Yeah I know it is weird that I am close with my brothers. You expected it to be all fights all the time but they just tease me and are way over protective at times anyway I am out of my daze and it look at the clock 7: 10. Of crap I quickly get undress and take the quickest shower of my life and by the time I get out get my hair done and get dress it is 7: 30 a NEW RECORD 🏅🏅🏅so I have time to eat which will be fun to have to get through the chaos of breakfast so I rush down there luckily since I was early there was a lot of people down there yet so I had time to get what I want and then I time I sit down everyone came running downstairs to get breakfast I just sit there smugly till it's time to go                             
                             7: 45
   By 745 you all try to start heading out of the door to get to the school to the high school yes all of us are in high school let's just say it's not a smooth ride to get there we all have to cram into our Jeep that our parents let us use well everyone except me and Max we got our own car for a birthday present so we go in our car and by then it's just 10 to 15 minute car ride cuz I school starts at 815 and then I start counting down the hours minutes and seconds until school's out I thought this was normal life for this I thought we weren't going to be there long and I was right see when I go too long with out the ocean I get this urge this feeling this longing for it something that every mermaid and Merman has but not as strong so I'm me and Max are the ones that only ones that have to get the most and this time it was me so after the school was out jumped in the car and zoomed to nearest deserted Beach as soon as I get there I start taking off all my clothes down to my bra and underwear and I jump in I do this every now and then but I wasn't very that someone was watching me see I am what humans consider I guess attractive soul of guys try to come out with me but I don't do that but I wasn't aware that the sky have followed me don't know how you kept up but followed me all the way here was watching me you couldn't see my face but he took video of me and that's how all this started me and my family rise soon as you saw it had to start packing up and we left town right then right as soon as I figured out that he was that he Leo take me and off to the next town which I believe is Sleepy Hollow

                   AUTHORS NOTE

Hey lovelies this is my first book that I am determined to finish my last book DIDNT go so well so I am derermined to make this one really good and please don't write me saying that there should be periods here and all that because I didn't do periods because it kept correcting them I would do them except for my dang phone so if you have to believe anybody blame my phone I'm sorry I hope you like it I would love feedback about it and what I could change about it sorry about the last little bit of it I was feeling rush cuz I put myself to deadlines and I had to finish it bye love you peachy babies

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